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Neuroscience Center


The neuroscience program at CentraState Medical Center offers highly specialized comprehensive care for complex brain, spine, and nervous system conditions, such as stroke, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, balance and movement disorders and headaches. A world-class team of neurologists, neurosurgeons and clinical experts in neurological disease and conditions provides a full range of treatments that focus on all aspects of a patient’s well-being from diagnosis through surgery, if needed, to the management of chronic conditions.

The neuroscience program at CentraState Medical Center offers highly specialized comprehensive care for complex brain, spine, and nervous system conditions, such as stroke, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, balance and movement disorders and headaches. A world-class team of neurologists, neurosurgeons and clinical experts in neurological disease and conditions provides a full range of treatments that focus on all aspects of a patient’s well-being from diagnosis through surgery, if needed, to the management of chronic conditions.

World Class Care in Neurology and Neurosurgery

Specialized PT and Rehabilitation Programs to Live Life Well

CentraState’s inpatient and outpatient neurorehabilitation focuses on the assessment, treatment and management of the rehabilitation needs of patients who have experienced a stroke or have other neurological conditions. In consultation with your doctors and nurses, our highly skilled and specialized physical therapists design and implement individualized care plans focused on achieving maximum independence and improved quality of life. Programs include:


Thanks to CentraState’s partnership with Atlantic Health System, patients with complex brain conditions can be seamlessly connected to The Gerald J. Glasser Brain Tumor Center at Overlook Medical Center’s Atlantic Neuroscience Institute, ranked among the top 5 percent of the nation’s neuroscience programs. The Glasser Brain Tumor Center is recognized by the North American Skull Base Society as a team of distinction with expertise in skull base surgery.

Brian's Story

Brian Giacchi has experienced muscle spasms off and on since age 9. When the condition ramped up in his 20s, he sought medical advice. Unfortunately, several years of doctors’ visits, testing, and frustration failed to solve the mystery. Then finally, at age 34, he got an answer: he had multiple sclerosis. “I felt like people thought I was a hypochondriac…

Walter's Story

A few years ago, Walter “Bud” Burch’s wife, Kathy, found him on the kitchen floor writhing in pain. He had to be carried to their truck before being driven to the emergency department. Suffering from a chronic condition called trigeminal neuralgia, Bud lived with this kind of intense pain for more than 60 years. Trigeminal neuralgia affects the trigeminal nerve,…

Bob's Story

For Bob Granito, the personal obstacles he conquers during a 12-mile Tough Mudder® are harsher than the challenges of a 16-foot-high wall, dangling live wires, or a water pit. A veteran participant of 10 Tough Mudders, the 55-year-old Freehold resident demonstrates that his multiple sclerosis (MS) does not define what he can accomplish. “I do these events because I refuse…


Susan Lage, DO SL

Susan Lage, DO

Neurology, Neurophysiology EMG

Stephen Johnson, MD

Stephen Johnson, MD


Kyle Chapple, MD

Kyle Chapple, MD


Pinakin Jethwa, MD

Pinakin Jethwa, MD


Megdad Zaatreh, MD

Megdad Zaatreh, MD

Epileptologist, Neurology

Ronald Benitez, MD

Ronald Benitez, MD


Jia Zhen Cheng, MD

Jia Zhen Cheng, MD

Movement Disorders, Neurology

Amos Katz, MD

Amos Katz, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

James Ware, MD

James Ware, MD


Caren Marks, MD

Caren Marks, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Paul Kostoulakos, DO PK

Paul Kostoulakos, DO


Maria Choy, MD MC

Maria Choy, MD


Shamik Chakraborty, MD

Shamik Chakraborty, MD

Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery

Boris Furman, DO BF

Boris Furman, DO


Nirav K. Shah, M D

Nirav K. Shah, M D


Jonathan Lustgarten, MD

Jonathan Lustgarten, MD


Sohum Trivedi, MD ST

Sohum Trivedi, MD

Epileptologist, Neurology

Mark McLaughlin, MD

Mark McLaughlin, MD


Imran Khan, MD

Imran Khan, MD


David Wells Roth, MD

David Wells Roth, MD


Jasmin Patel, MD

Jasmin Patel, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Mohammad Ibrahim, MD MI

Mohammad Ibrahim, MD


David Estin, MD

David Estin, MD


Shashank Agarwal, MD SA

Shashank Agarwal, MD


Arun Nangia, MD AN

Arun Nangia, MD


James Barrese, MD

James Barrese, MD


Andrew Sylvester, MD

Andrew Sylvester, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Amor Mehta, MD AM

Amor Mehta, MD

Epileptologist, Neurology

Richard Meagher, MD

Richard Meagher, MD


David Frank, MD

David Frank, MD


Matthew Tormenti, M D

Matthew Tormenti, M D


Yaron Moshel, MD YM

Yaron Moshel, MD


Seth Joseffer, MD

Seth Joseffer, MD


Vasko Gulevski, MD VG

Vasko Gulevski, MD


Rachid Assina, MD RA

Rachid Assina, MD


Mark Leekoff, MD

Mark Leekoff, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology


Physical Therapy Technology Offers a New Hope for Patients with Brain Conditions

Cutting-edge technology is helping patients with brain and balance issues learn to adjust their movements to become more stable – and more confident when walking. Ataxia is a type of poor muscle control that can affect everything from walking and eye-hand coordination to speech and swallowing. It is typically caused...Read More>

Boost Your Brain with Exercise

Exercise is good for your body, but did you know that those benefits also extend to your brain? “Exercise improves the function of your cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems, all of which support your brain’s health and ability to do its job,” says CentraState neurosurgeon Mark McLaughlin, MD....Read More>

A Stimulating Treatment Option for Tremors

Anyone who lives with or cares for someone with Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor knows there are good days and not-so-good days. But what if you could directly stimulate or calm the area of the brain causing the tremor? Essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic...Read More>

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