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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis2024-12-26T11:12:42-05:00

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, debilitating disease of the central nervous system. The symptoms of MS can range from mild—producing little or no disability—to severe—leading to substantial disability, sometimes quickly. The unpredictable physical and emotional effects can be life-long, but early diagnosis and effective multiple sclerosis treatment can help manage symptoms and change the course of the disease.


The majority of people often experience their first symptoms of MS between the ages of 20 and 40. Symptoms of MS can be mild to severe and may change over the course of the disease. These can include:

  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Walking difficulties
  • Numbness/tingling in the arms and legs
  • Stiff or weak muscles
  • Vision problems
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Bladder and bowel problems.
  • Sexual problems caused by nerve damage to the central nervous system

Less common symptoms can include hearing loss, speech problems, swallowing problems, tremors, seizures, breathing problems.



The Linda E. Cardinale MS Center offers two comprehensive wellness programs designed to address the physical and psychological issues associated with MS.

MS Wellness Program

This one-of-a-kind and award-winning 12-week program helps strengthen mind and body through:

Education: Patients learn about best nutrition practices for those with MS, how to manage stress and deal with continence issues, and how to avoid depression.

Aquatics: A cool-water pool, buoys, and other water-resistance tools help patients build strength and improve balance. The program also offers non-certification scuba classes, which help patients improve their balance while having fun.

Exercise: Group classes help improve movement and increase flexibility through various seated exercises, weightlifting, strength and conditioning, tai chi, and Pilates techniques.

Wellness Graduate Program

After completing the initial 12-week MS Wellness Program, graduates may participate in an advanced program that consists of strength and balance classes, yoga and aquatics. This includes tai chi, a system of gentle exercises and flowing movements that reduces stress and promotes balance.

To learn more about our MS treatment and wellness programs, call CentraState’s Rehabilitation Department at 732-294-2700 or speak with your doctor.


Caren Marks, MD

Caren Marks, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Amos Katz, MD

Amos Katz, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Mark Leekoff, MD

Mark Leekoff, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Andrew Sylvester, MD

Andrew Sylvester, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

Jasmin Patel, MD

Jasmin Patel, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, Neurology

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Currently, there is no one test available to accurately diagnose MS so your physician may order a number of tests to rule out other disorders. If your physician suspects MS, he or she will first conduct a thorough medical history and neurological examination. Your doctor may then order:

  • Blood tests to help rule out other diseases with symptoms similar to MS
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test to look for evidence in the brain or spinal cord indicating MS
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to look for markers of inflammation indicating MS
  • Tests to measure electrical activity in areas of the brain and spinal cord

At this time, the cause of MS is not known. There are associations with specific genetics, prior viral infections and dietary considerations as well. Multiple sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the myelin substance that insulates the nerves and causes damage to the central nervous system.

MS is not considered to be directly inherited, however, studies indicate individuals may have a susceptibility if they have family members with MS. Additionally, these studies point to environmental factors as triggering factors in the development of MS.

Although there is no cure, multiple sclerosis treatment has improved greatly. Current disease treatment focuses on disease-modifying therapies to reduce relapses, prevent new MRI abnormalities, and slow or stop the progression. Medications can be used to reduce or manage symptoms related to MS.

Yes, exercise has been shown to be helpful for patients with MS. Patients should consult with their physician regarding their physical abilities and work with a physical therapist who is experienced with MS that can help design a customized exercise program suitable to individual needs.


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