CentraState Medical Center is proud to offer eligible patients access to promising new developments in the treatment and prevention of medical conditions such as cancer and chronic pain through our participation in clinical trials. Clinical trials are studies designed to test new therapies, medicines, or medical devices in humans after they have been fully tested in the laboratory and in animals but before they are available to the general public.
The clinical trials offered at CentraState are the same as those offered at major health care centers nationwide, and they are managed by specialists who hail from some the finest medical institutions in the country.

Although clinical trials and other forms of research have led to significant improvements in the medical field, patient safety, privacy, and rights always take precedence. That’s why the federal government requires that every institution that conducts medical research with public funds must establish an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
CentraState’s IRB ensures that biomedical and behavioral research is conducted ethically at our facility and complies with federal rules and regulations for the protection of trial participants. The IRB reviews studies before and during research to protect patient rights and welfare. Our IRB has 10 members with relevant medical, scientific, and social services backgrounds. Two are community members with no other ties to CentraState Medical Center. In addition, there are five designated alternate IRB members.

Patients must be referred to a clinical trial by a participating trial physician. If you and your physician believe you fit the criteria for a clinical trial, contact us and we will set up an evaluation appointment with a participating physician.
Clinical trials have specific eligibility criteria. A participating trial physician and our clinical research nurse will work with you to determine if you meet them.

To see other clinical trials that CentraState Medical Center is currently participating in, please click the button below. You can also contact CentraState’s Research Department at 732-294-5874.