At a ribbon-cutting ceremony last week commemorating the opening of the new Freehold Family Health Center, Jo Schloeder, district director for U.S. Congressman Chris Smith, presented the flag that few over the state’s capital to (pictured left to right) Dr. Alfred Tallia, Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Christopher Rinn, CEO, VNACJ Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC); Dr. Steven H. Landers, president and CEO, Visiting Nurse Association Health Group, Inc.; John T. Gribbin, president and CEO, CentraState Healthcare System; and Dr. Maria Ciminelli, medical director, Rutgers RWJ Family Medicine Residency at CentraState.
The Freehold Family Health Center was created through a unique collaboration between CentraState Healthcare System, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey Health Group, and the VNACJ Community Health Centers (CHC), and is the only community health center in the state to house a family medicine residency program.
The Center, operated by the CHC, is accessible to all members of the community, including underserved populations, and provides both comprehensive primary and specialty care, including geriatrics, offered through the Rutgers Family Medicine Residency Program at CentraState. Family medicine resident physicians care for patients at the Center for their full residency, an approach that reinforces the importance of community collaboration and prevention initiatives to address the burden of chronic disease and improve the wellbeing of the community as a whole. Patients have access to not only traditional family medicine with specialty care, but also to mental health services, health insurance assistance, discounted drug pricing, cancer education and early detection programs, along with a wide range of other support and health navigation services.
For more information about the new Freehold Family Health Center located at 597 Park Ave., Freehold, visit https://vnachc.org/freehold/ or call 732-294-2540.