CentraState Healthcare System was present at the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event on Oct. 15 in Point Pleasant, NJ. CentraState sponsored the Survivor Tent, as it has done over the last several years. Many CentraState employees participated in the event, including Barry Asch (pictured left), assistant vice president, Cancer Services, and Janine Eyd-Adonizio, oncology nurse navigator. CentraState employees participated in three teams and had a Real Men Wear Pink participant to help raise the funds. Altogether, CentraState helped raise nearly $6,000.
About CentraState
CentraState Healthcare System is a nonprofit community health organization consisting of an acute-care hospital, a health and wellness campus, three senior living communities, a Family Medicine Residency Program, and a charitable foundation. CentraState’s teaching program is sponsored by Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.