Special care nursery / Level II NICU

Special Care Nursery2024-07-23T01:22:27-04:00

Some babies are born with special needs. That’s why the Special Care Nursery at CentraState has a dedicated staff of neonatologists and highly skilled nurses available 24/7. They provide individualized care for premature babies born after 32 weeks of pregnancy who require close observation or other special attention.

Our nurses receive focused training in neonatal intensive care. This training is required for all nursing staff to treat complications such as infections, breathing problems, small size and weight, low temperature or blood sugar, and other emergencies.

We can treat any mild health problems with a range of technology, including oxygen, phototherapy lighting for jaundice, incubators with minimal light and noise exposure, and warmers that regulate body temperature while allowing direct observation and easy access. Our nursery also offers a quiet, comfortable environment for you and your newborn to still bond.

If you have questions you would like to discuss at any time, you can call the Special Care Nursery at 732-294-2878.


The level of care a newborn needs varies based on several factors, including overall health at birth, weight, and pregnancy weeks. The American Academy of Pediatrics categorizes the degree of care a hospital can provide into levels:

  • Level I, Well Newborn Nursery – has dedicated staff caring for babies born after 35 weeks and are stable.
  • Level II, Special Care Nursery – has dedicated staff caring for babies born at or after 32 weeks. These babies may have minor health problems requiring close observation or other special attention.
  • Level III, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) – has dedicated staff caring for babies born before 32 weeks, critically ill babies of any age or weight, and babies in need of surgery.

Yes, a Special Care Nursery is also called a Level II NICU.

A Level III NICU is needed if your baby is born before 32 weeks, weighs less than 3 pounds, 3 ounces, or is critically ill.

A Special Care Nursery cares for premature babies who are stable but have likely not yet developed all the skills they need to go home. It also provides additional treatment for conditions such as jaundice, low oxygen levels, or the need for antibiotics. A NICU provides care for babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy or those requiring the highest level of care.

Only 10% of babies nationally are born before 37 weeks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only 1% are born before 32 weeks. However, if a level III NICU is needed, quick arrangements are made for transfer to the nearest one.

Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Our staff members are dedicated to the wellbeing of the babies entrusted to our care, and we consider parents and caregivers an important part of the health care team. Here are some tips for supporting your baby’s care in the Special Care Nursery:

  • We encourage parents and caregivers to come into the nursery and participate in their baby’s care. A parent must be present for a visitor to enter.
  • The safety of a newborn depends on everyone thoroughly washing their hands and wearing a gown tied snugly over their clothes. Always check with the nurse before lifting your baby.
  • Those with illnesses such as diarrhea, fever, or a cold should not enter the nursery. New babies are more susceptible to infectious disease.
  • Our nurses and staff physicians are here to help with any questions. We look forward to updating you on the progress of your baby at each visit.
  • Your observations regarding your baby are important. If you have a concern or notice something has changed, talk to a nurse or doctor.

Request More Information

To request more information about maternity services at CentraState or to ask any questions, please complete this form and we will be in touch shortly.