Navigation and Support2025-02-25T15:05:07-05:00

Cancer Navigation and Support

At the Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState, we’re committed to minimizing the physical effects of cancer— and the emotional ones too. We bring this attention to every aspect of your experience by providing an unparalleled level of personal attention and compassion – from your first cancer diagnosis to treatment and beyond.

Cancer Center Navigator

A cancer diagnosis brings many challenges. Patients and their families may feel overwhelmed by the choices and decisions they need to make, and uncertain about the steps to take or where to seek assistance.

The cancer center navigator serves as a support source, guide, resource and advocate for cancer patients and their families. The navigator’s primary goal is to ensure that cancer patients are guided through the healthcare system to receive quality diagnostic, therapeutic and support services from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

This support can be provided in many ways:

  • Directing you to resources for diagnosis, cancer treatment and recovery
  • Helping you to understand your diagnosis
  • Coordinating appointments with providers to ensure you receive timely diagnosis and treatment
  • Guidance with insurance, transportation, child/elder care, language translation
  • Referrals to side effect management, wellness and survivorship programs
  • Patients and their families can reach out to a cancer navigator at any point during the patient’s cancer journey.

Psycho-Social Counseling and Cancer Support Groups

Social workers are available to offer patients and their families: consultation, emotional support, guidance, and help finding needed resources.

In addition, The Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState hosts several cancer-type specific support groups to help patients and their loved ones through the various stages of their journey:

Breast Cancer Support Group

  • Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 5 – 6 pm
  • Contact Jean Ho at 732-303-3622 to register and for more information

General Cancer Support Group

  • Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month
  • Contact Jim Garafalo at 732-303-5078 to register and for more information

For more information on psycho-social counseling and cancer support groups, please call 855-411-CANCER.