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A Trip to the ER, a Rare Diagnosis and a Wedding Saved

Four days before his wedding to Melissa Cooper, Kevin McKenzie, 32, completed a workout. A few days later, his muscles felt sore and stiff, making it difficult to walk. He used a massage gun on his sore muscles to ease the pain. When he saw blood in his urine an hour later, he knew he ...

Preventing Stroke with an Advanced Minimally Invasive Procedure for Carotid Artery Disease

Up to one-third of strokes are caused by carotid artery disease, a buildup of plaque in the main arteries in the neck that supply oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Without treatment, this buildup can slow blood flow or dislodge plaque that travels to the brain, causing a stroke. Some people with carotid artery disease require ...

The Healing Power of Ultrasound for Chronic Wounds

For many people, a wound from a cut or scrape is a temporary inconvenience. But when a wound is chronic – meaning hard to heal – specialized treatment is usually needed. Some chronic wounds require the removal of unhealthy tissue to promote healing, which can be painful depending on the technique. The Central Jersey Wound ...

5 Ways to Prevent Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball has become America’s fastest growing sport – probably because it has physical and social benefits and can be played at any age or skill level. But injuries sometimes happen, particularly in people over age 60. About 60% of pickleball injuries are sprains, strains and fractures. If you’ve joined the pickleball craze or are interested ...

Breast Self-Awareness for Women and Men

While there can be a genetic link to developing breast cancer, nurse practitioner Karen Lowe, DNP, MSN, RNC-Ob, with the Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState, says that it’s important that both women and men understand that they can still be diagnosed with the disease without a family history. The key is practicing breast self-awareness – ...

Smoother Back-to-School Transitions

For kids, nothing beats summer’s bright and balmy months for rest, rejuvenation, and fun. But the season is always fleeting – and back-to-school concerns may soon present themselves, especially for adolescents transitioning to new schools. According to CentraState child and adolescent psychiatrist Ankur Desai, MD, the transitions from elementary school to middle school and from ...

Physical Therapy Technique Speeds Up Recovery

When high school athlete Brian Kutney, 16, fractured his leg, he was committed to getting back onto the track as soon as possible. Cutting-edge physical therapy helped accelerate his recovery – and shave seconds off his time. Last summer, the Jackson resident and active sophomore fractured his tibia while running hurdles. After surgery, he couldn’t ...

Better Bone Health

Summer’s warmth and light lure us to get up, out, and move. Because weight-bearing exercise can trigger bone growth, additional activity in the summer is just one of several reasons the season is a great time to improve your bone health, according to CentraState rheumatologist Sawsan Najmey, MD. “People also tend to eat better in ...

Joyful Movement

If movement is medicine, then we should be doing more of it. What’s the best way to move more? Make it fun! You won’t be alone in this pursuit – in fact, the hashtag “#joyfulmovement” is trending on social media. The idea behind joyful movement is that there are many beneficial ways to move your ...

Staying Positive After a Heart Attack

A cardiac condition requires medical management for life, a reality that can be discouraging. Research shows that one in five people develops depression and one in three develops severe anxiety after being hospitalized for a cardiac event. “Patients are often scared to be physically active after cardiac surgery,” explains cardiologist Jatinchandra Patel, DO. “This can ...

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