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By Vasudha Dhar, MD If you have ever seen an image of the gastrointestinal system, you know it’s a busy place. Looking at the miles of intestines squeezed in around the body’s vital organs, it’s understandable why we all experience stomach discomfort now and then. But many people suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) pain and unpleasant ...
By Nancy Peters, MD According to the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 60,290 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in this year alone. This means that a woman with an average risk of breast cancer has about a 12% chance of developing breast cancer within her lifetime. And just as significant is the fact ...
By Saima Farghani, MD While I’ve done it thousands of times, it never gets easier for me to tell a patient he or she has diabetes. For some, it comes as a complete shock; for others, the news confirms what the patient already suspected. Regardless of the response, living with diabetes is life-changing and it doesn’t ...
By Mark R. McLaughlin, MD, FACS We were all shocked and saddened to hear about the 49-year-old female television news reporter who suddenly passed away from a cerebral aneurysm. This sad case compelled many to wonder why these aneurysms happen to seemingly healthy people and how they can prevent them. As a neurosurgeon (who is ...
By Jason H. Miller, MD At last, summer is almost here and we New Jerseyans are in the throes of preparing for beach trips and long relaxing days by the pool with friends and family. Part of the Jersey Shore lifestyle is showing off a great tan. It’s a status symbol that ranks up there ...
By Thomas J. Kayal, MD As a result of increasing numbers of people age 50+ choosing to undergo screenings for colorectal cancer — the standard screening age — incidences have been slowly decreasing every year since the 1980s. However, diagnoses for people under 50 have been increasing and are often diagnosed when the disease has advanced ...
By Robert Pedowitz, DO When it comes to vitamin D, there is no end to the good news about its benefits. But a deficiency in the ‘sunshine vitamin’ can wreak havoc on the body. Studies have already proven that carrying extra weight around the midsection increases the risk of several serious health conditions, including diabetes. People with ...
By Edward M. Soffen, MD, FACP Radiation therapy is one of the most powerful and successful tools to overcome cancer. But for women with early-stage breast cancer, studies have found a link between radiation and a higher risk of heart and lung problems up to 20 years after treatment. This is especially true for women with cancer in ...
By Robert G. Kayser, Jr., MD, MBA, FACC, FSCAI Regardless of where you live or work, you are exposed to elements in the air every second of the day. Some are natural; some are manmade; some can be dangerous to your health. In varying degrees, we all breathe in pollution every day. Air pollutants can also ...