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By Troy Sukkarieh, MD The number of younger men diagnosed with prostate cancer has increased nearly six-fold in the last 20 years, according to recent studies. Equally concerning, in these younger men is a higher rate of prostate cancer being more aggressive and therefore more life threatening than in older men. Historically, it has affected mostly senior men ...
By Edward Soffen, MD Every day when I come to work, I’m amazed and exhilarated by the inroads we’ve made battling cancer since I started as a radiation oncologist more than 20 years ago. And we’re not done yet—more promising new advancements in prevention (screening), diagnosis and treatment are in the pipeline. Not only are we ...
In the past decade, we’ve embraced the importance of screening, diagnosing and treating post-partum depression. But a new study found that the depression may actually start during the pregnancy. This finding suggests that if we can diagnose and begin treating depression sooner, the new mother will face less severe post-partum symptoms and recover more successfully. ...
By Christopher Wong, MD One of the reasons I chose family medicine as my specialty was the opportunity to ask patients the right questions in order to diagnose a variety of medical issues before they become more serious and difficult to treat successfully. One of my specialties is diagnosing and addressing substance abuse, which is ...
By Kunal Gupta, MD, MBA As a central New Jersey-based gastroenterologist, I perform hundreds of colonoscopies each year. Depending on your family and personal medical history, it’s one of those tests you need to undergo because colon and rectal cancers are highly prevalent and particularly sneaky. They often start as painless and symptomless polyps in ...
By James A. Ware, Jr., MD A 49-year-old male with diabetes and high blood pressure arrived at CentraState Medical Center’s Emergency Department by ambulance with rapidly fluctuating stroke symptoms. In seconds, he had lost all strength in his right side and was unable to speak. The Primary Stroke Center team quickly confirmed he was having ...
By Robert Pedowitz, DO Severe winter weather conditions can pose serious health hazards, and New Jerseyans should take special precautions to avoid weather-related health issues, including dehydration, hypothermia, frost bite and heart attack. “All people, from infants to seniors, are at risk for potentially experiencing health complications from severe weather conditions, however, people with already ...
By Vatsala Bhaskar, MD A few years ago, a stressed-out mother poured her heart out to me over the phone. She explained that her 10-year-old son was unable to focus in the classroom and his grades were close to failing. The school wanted to test him for ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder). “I do ...
By Alyssa Brennan, MOT By this stage of the school year, children in first through third grades should be settled in their classroom routine. While some students are experiencing a full-day learning environment for the first time, older children are more acclimated into the educational and social structure of their environment. Parents are eager to ...
By Anthony Dissen, MA, RDN We are in the throes of the holiday season and while it’s a happy and festive time, it can also be overwhelming—too much to do, far too little time. As an integrative health professional, I encourage my students to revel in the hustle and bustle but—no matter what—take the time ...