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Uterine Fibroids Can be Treated Without Surgery

Fibroid tumors of the uterus are a common problem facing many women over the course of their lives. By age 50, about 70 percent of women will have these non-cancerous tumors that grow along the wall of the uterus, although many of them cause no physical symptoms. But for some, uterine fibroids can cause significant ...

3D Mammography is like High-Definition TV: Better Images

By Kenneth Tomkovich, MD Think about the picture quality of the old standard-definition television that you owned maybe 10 or 15 years ago. Now, compare that with today’s high-definition televisions, which allow you to see the texture of an actor’s skin or individual blades of grass on a baseball field. That comparison is roughly equivalent ...

The Lowdown on Low Libido in Men

By Edward Stoner, MD You might have seen recent TV commercials that encourage men to ask their doctors about treatments for “low T” — or low testosterone, the male sex hormone. One of the classic symptoms of low testosterone levels in men is reduced sex drive or, in more severe cases, complete loss of interest in ...

Why Sunburn Lasts a Lifetime

By Jason Miller, MD It may happen while spending the day hatless at the beach, while mowing the lawn, or while attending a baseball game under the blazing sun. Afterward, it can mean hours of pain, aloe, lotion, and regret. But sunburn is more than just an inconvenience — it’s a painful reminder that the sun’s ...

‘Hidden’ Symptoms Can Point to Child Health Problems

By Zubaida Sadik, MD When your child is sick or injured, you usually know it right away. Symptoms such as a fever, cough or joint swelling are hard to overlook. Yet, as a pediatrician for more than 30 years, I’ve had patients whom I’ve found to have serious health problems during routine “well­-child” visits to my ...

Three “Health Foods” That May Cause Weight Gain

By Caryn Alter, MS, RD Let’s face it—we are all busy and most of us don’t have time to carefully evaluate the packaging of everything we eat. Every few years, there are new health food trends that everyone jumps on, but some of these trends can seriously derail weight management efforts.  Many of my clients falsely ...

How to Protect Yourself from Opioid Dependence

By Maged Ghattas, MD The national epidemic of opioid-based prescription painkillers and heroin, an inexpensive narcotic painkiller, has been a sobering statistic, including right here in New Jersey; in 2014, more than 1,200 people, many from nearby Ocean County, died as a result of overdosing on the most common prescription opioids–Methadone, Oxycodone (such as OxyContin) and ...

When to Use Urgent Care versus ER

By Mark Waciega, MD As an Emergency Department physician at CentraState Medical Center, I treat a wide spectrum of healthcare issues every day. But sometimes patients and families come to the ER when, in fact, they could have received the same level of care at an urgent or immediate care center. Urgent care centers are still ...

Zika Virus and the Threat to Pregnant Women

By Alfred DeLuca, M.D. We’ve all heard about the Zika virus outbreak in faraway places like South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands (Hawaii, Samoa) and Central America–but how does it affect us here in New Jersey? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have confirmed nearly 400 travel-related Zika cases in the U.S., but ...

Three Lesser-Known Symptoms of Diabetes

By Marc Feingold, MD The New Jersey Department of Health reported last year that more than seven percent of the people in our state have been diagnosed with diabetes. And another 190,000 people have diabetes but have not yet been diagnosed. Three categories of New Jerseyans are at highest risk – people who are obese, over age ...

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