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When you hear the term “zero gravity,” you may think of astronauts and space travel. Now, a similar environment is helping CentraState patients improve their balance. The ZeroG® Gait and Balance System, a new treatment option available at CentraState’s OceanFirst Rehabilitation Center, helps patients more safely and confidently practice walking and balance exercises. “ZeroG is ...
Chances are, you probably know someone who’s had a knee or hip replacement surgery. These procedures are the most common joint replacements performed in the U.S. In each case, a joint that is diseased or damaged – usually due to arthritis, an injury or a fall – is replaced with an artificial joint called an ...
Spring cleaning is not only good for your home – it’s good for your health and well-being. “The chaos in your home often reflects the chaos in your mind,” says CentraState behavioral health consultant Amy Metzger, LCSW. “Decluttering, cleaning and organizing can give you a sense of agency over your life, helping to reduce stress, ...
Want to make your walking routine more challenging and fun? Follow these tips from CentraState physical therapist Patti Guttormsen, PT, DPT. Turn up the tunes Turn up the tunes and keep up with the beat of the music. It’ll help you pick up the pace and maintain it. A moderate pace is 100 beats a ...
After 18 years as a Staten Island bus driver, Middletown resident Chad Frontera finally had his work schedule align with one of the yearly free health screenings offered by the New York City Transit System union. “I never had an indication of any thyroid issues, and I had no reason to get this test – ...
Protein powder is a popular trend. But does it really measure up to the hype? CentraState registered dietitian Chelsea Dyer, RD, a protein powder user herself, provides the scoop. PROS: Protein powder can help build muscle and repair tissue, keep you feeling fuller for longer and increase protein intake in an easy-to- consume form. CONS: ...
Research is ongoing about the specific health benefits of herbs, according to CentraState registered dietitian Caryn Alter, MS, RD. But she notes that both herbs and spices can help you slash sodium by adding a burst of flavor to your meals. Replacing salt with flavorful herbs and spices can help reduce your risk for high ...
If you often feel like you’re dragging through your day, you’re not alone. One of the most common health complaints is physical and mental fatigue. “Fatigue has many possible causes,” says CentraState family practice physician Robert Pedowitz, DO. “It could be the stressful times we’re living in, the result of unhealthy habits or even an ...
Mohammed Chaudhry, 72, was in relatively good health, maintained an active lifestyle and proactively had regular cardiac stress tests. Then one morning, the Jackson resident experienced sudden chest pain, dizziness and numbness in his arms and hands. His wife, Musarat, took him to his nearby primary care doctor, who did an EKG and immediately sent ...
Deep within your abdomen near your kidneys lie two small yet powerful glands that play a crucial role in the endocrine system and your well-being: the adrenal glands. Your two adrenal glands are triangular and about the size of a fortune cookie. The adrenal glands produce the “fight or flight” hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These ...