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Exercising for Two: How to Maintain Fitness During Pregnancy

When you’re expecting, you may feel more like kicking back than kick-starting an exercise routine. But for most women, pregnancy is the ideal time for maintaining or adopting an active lifestyle, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “Regular physical activity is linked to healthier pregnancies and better outcomes for both mother and ...

How to Prepare for Pregnancy, Well Before You’re Ready

By Borislava Burt-Libo, DO We know that many women are waiting longer than ever to start a family. The average age of first-time mothers rose to 26.3 in 2014 from 24.9 in 2000, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. We also know that, biologically speaking, the longer a woman waits, the more difficult ...

Create “ME” Time and Keep Stress in Check

By Robert Pedowitz, DO In today’s fast-paced and inter-connected world, stress has become virtually inescapable. Yet, while it’s become a fact of life, stress doesn’t have to be a way of life if you practice some relatively simple steps. Let’s face it, everyone has days when we feel overwhelmed. We all know what it’s like to ...

A Non-Surgical Option for Skin Cancer Treatment

By Edward Soffen, MD, FACP A woman in her 80s recently came to see me because she had a small skin cancer lesion on her nostril that needed treatment She was worried that having it surgically removed would leave a scar on a very prominent area of her face. In order to undergo surgery, she would ...

Practicing Yoga Can Help Reduce Heart Disease Risk

By Divya Menon, MD Aerobic exercise is one of the most influential tools to help offset heart disease as well as a plethora of other chronic diseases. But for some seniors or people with limited mobility, this can be a challenge. A new study has found that practicing yoga can offer comparable health benefits to aerobic exercise, ...

The Best Foods to Eat at Different Stages of Life

By Fiola Sowemimo, MD Depending on your age and activity level, the body needs different nutrients during different cycles of life in order to do its job. Whether you’re preparing meals for young children or a more seasoned adult eating for health and disease prevention, nutrition contributes a great deal to your overall health. Unfortunately, the ...

Get Ready for a Busy Spring by Eating and Exercising to Boost Energy

By Caryn Alter, MS, RD Most of us are feeling tired and sluggish after the long, dark winter we have endured here in central New Jersey. One of the best ways to boost your energy is to eat more healthy foods and get your body moving. As a result, you may also improve your mental ...

Breast Ultrasound May Ease Breast Cancer Testing

By Peter Mezzacappa, MD Thousands of women each year are found, during routine screening mammograms, to have breast calcifications, which are calcium deposits within the breast tissue. While these calcifications are usually harmless, they can, in some cases, indicate breast cancer or precancerous conditions of the breast. In the past, the only way to know for ...

Constipation: 8 Common Reasons You Can’t ‘Go’

By Kunal Gupta, MD, MBA When it comes to personal bowel habits, there’s really no such thing as “normal.” For one person, having a bowel movement once every few days might be normal. Another person may typically have three to four bowel movements a day. Within that range, however, many of us have periods when we ...

An Oncologist’s Prescription for Reducing Cancer Risk and Achieving Better Overall Health

By Bhavesh Balar, MD About two years ago, I came to a profound realization that it was time for a change. I needed to make a rather dramatic transformation in terms of my lifestyle choices, nutritional decisions, fitness routines, and overall health – pretty much my entire physical and mental well-being. I was 41 years old, ...

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