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By Alfred DeLuca, MD It sounds like the plot of a latest science fiction novel: Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, creating a concerning combination of potent “superbugs” and a lack of new antibiotics to treat them. Unfortunately, this is not a work of fiction. Adequately treating resistant bacterial infections is one of modern medicine’s ...
By Zeeshan Khan, MD When I decided to dedicate my professional practice to the field of geriatrics, I never imagined I someday would be helping to start up the new ACE unit at CentraState Medical Center. ACE stands for acute care for elders, which is a model of patient care that focuses specifically on the ...
By Sabine Paul-Yee, MD A person far wiser than me once said that “you are what you eat.” So true when you consider that the body’s physical well-being is greatly impacted by one’s day-to-day diet regimen – of course, balanced with regular activity and disciplined rest. While a reality all year long, this is particularly ...
By Melissa Bonilla, MD, FAAP 2:30 am, the dead of night. The alarm is set to wake you in a few short hours and then it’s off to a long day at work. But you’re already wide awake, restless and irritable from listening to your 2-year-old crying out to you from the room next door. ...
Raise your legs after. Drink cough syrup before. Eat oysters. Avoid exercise. Take that laptop off your lap. Boxers or briefs. Quantity. Quality. Time of day. Time of month. Those are just a sampling of the countless age-old myths and old wives’ tales you’ve heard when it comes to the dos and don’ts of conception. ...
By Amy Tilara, MD, and Kunal Gupta, MD, MBA As the medical field advances, our goal is to provide care that is more effective at diagnosing and treating problems, yet less invasive for patients. The growing field of interventional gastroenterology (GI) is one of the areas in which we’ve made major progress in providing minimally invasive care. Interventional GI ...
By Jeremy Dayner, MD Summer means that hospital Emergency Rooms will see an increase in cases related to excessive heat, water emergencies, and sports/recreation accidents. From watching medical programs on TV, you might assume ER patients arrive at the hospital in critical condition, often as the result of outlandish medical scenarios. In fact, most ER cases are not ...
By Wendy Reizer Pondering procrastination I don’t know why it took me so long to get my first mammogram. I keep trying to figure out why I procrastinated for more than 10 years past the recommended baseline screening age. I don’t think it was fear. And it certainly wasn’t modesty. I honestly think it boiled down ...
By Nirav K. Shah, MD, FACS As youth athletes start to gear up for fall sports, including football, soccer, cheerleading and wrestling, parents, and coaches and teachers should know how to recognize and properly respond to head injuries, particularly concussions. Studies have shown head injuries are more likely to occur in the spring and summer months ...
By Brian Mason, PT, DPT In my 30 years as a physical therapist, I have seen many times how pain can lead to a vicious cycle of worsening physical and mental health. The downward spiral happens this way: A person experiences pain. He or she limits activity for fear of causing more pain. Yet, limiting ...