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Prevention for Heart Disease and Cholesterol Disorders

By Spencer Kroll, MD, PhD, FNLA Heightened focus on soaring cholesterol levels and the associated risks for heart disease has led to many new advances in medicines and therapies which are emerging at a rapid pace. In the past few years, we have also seen a shift in the treatment and prevention of heart disease and ...

Help Your Kids Stay Healthy at College

By Joseph R. Raccuglia, MD I know a young woman who is a bright student but left her studies to come home after just six months at a large university. She was academically well prepared — and she is doing well now at a local community college — but she struggled to live on her own ...

Pinched Nerves Don’t Have to Be Such a “Pain in Your Neck”

By Grigory Goldberg, MD, FAAOS Anyone who’s experienced a pinched nerve knows just how “unnerving” it can truly be. The odds are that most of you have dealt with an episode or two, and will more than likely will do so again in the future. After all, you might be surprised to know that a pinched ...

Robotics Revolutionizes Women’s Health Procedures

Hysterectomy is the second most common surgery for reproductive-aged women, behind only Cesarean section during childbirth. By age 60, more than one-third of all women have had a hysterectomy, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. While the decision of whether to have a hysterectomy is never easy, women now have more options ...

Mobility is The Fifth Vital Sign

It’s commonly known that being more active improves your overall health, and doing something as simple as walking more can help add years to your life. But improving your mobility might be worth more than you think. “Mobility is one of the best predictors of health, longevity, and quality of life,” says Brian Mason, PT, ...

You’ve found a deer tick on your body—now what?

By Dr. Alfred DeLuca, MD New Jersey is unfortunately home to an abundant number of deer ticks. Our mid-Atlantic region has by far the highest tick (also called black-legged tick or Ixodes scapularis) population in the nation. Regardless of the precautionary measures you take, you will more than likely discover one on your body this summer ...

When to Bring Your Child to the ER

By Sanjay Mehta, DO As both a pediatrician working in an emergency department and as a parent, I’ve heard, answered and even asked the age-old question: “When should I take my child to the ER?” No doubt, being caught in the grip of a situation that prompts this question can be particularly confusing for first-time parents ...

What Parents Need to Know About Secondary Drowning

By Sanjay Mehta, DO, FAAP Right now, throughout New Jersey, most of us are getting ready to enjoy some family time at the pool or beach. When you have children around water, there is always the need to keep a careful eye on your little ones, which can be a big challenge. Drowning is the number ...

How Bacteria Fuels Our Body, Mind and Overall Well-Being

By Jared Gold, MD From the day we’re born, literally a few hours after the onset of life, bacteria begins to grow within our gut. Over time, this “flora” becomes more diverse, complex and immense. Soon, it becomes one of the most vital and powerful forces for defining not only our gastrointestinal (GI) health, but our ...

The Power of Personalized Cancer Care

By Bhavesh Balar, MD Cancer is an unpredictable disease — two people diagnosed with the same type of cancer may have completely different responses to the same treatment. That’s why cancer care continues to evolve from standardized treatment regimens to more personalized, targeted therapies. These newer treatments take advantage of our individual differences at the cellular ...

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