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Recognizing the Symptoms of Kidney Stones

By Troy Sukkarieh, MD Kidney stones are often the uninvited guests to the most significant days of our lives. Because they can strike without much warning, I’ve treated patients for kidney stones on their wedding day, graduation day, and even before – and during – their honeymoon. Unfortunately, kidney stones don’t care about your major ...

Physical Therapy Treats Incontinence in Women and Men

By Emily Bessemer, DPT, CLT-LANA Imagine suddenly feeling like you have to urinate at a crowded event, or urinating every time you cough or sneeze. For many women and men, this is a frequent concern that seriously impacts the quality of their lives. Whether caused by a medical issue, childbirth or age, urinary incontinence can ...

Understanding Urinary Tract Infections

By Rekha Gohel, MD While urinary tract infections are common in women, they may be misdiagnosed as a neurological disorder in seniors. Left untreated, the infection can result in permanent kidney damage. Learning how to recognize the symptoms of infection in women, seniors and even men can ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms of a ...

Cool Relief for Chronic Pain

Imagine how it feels to live in agonizing pain every day. That was the heartbreaking reality for Pauline Lukenoff-Bishop, who suffers from severe arthritis in her neck, back, and joints. For decades, the 57-year-old Hazlet resident endured constant, throbbing pain that extended from her head down to her knees. “I couldn’t stand, sit, or walk for any ...

Leon’s Cardiac Catheterization Detects 90% Blockage

Leon Rozenblat, 56, hadn’t been feeling well despite four stents his cardiologist had inserted and normal stress test results. Leon was experiencing a sense of pressure on his chest, constant fatigue, flushing and severe headaches. Unable to drive back to his cardiologist on Long Island, Leon made an appointment, at his wife’s urging, with Jatinchandra Patel, DO, board-certified interventional cardiologist ...

How Darius is Defeating Head and Neck Cancer

Darius Parrish, a 42-year-old Howell resident, shrugged off an earache, hoping it would go away on its own. But when he woke up one morning a few days later, his wife looked at him and knew something wasn’t right. “The left side of my face was drooping down,” Darius recalls. “My wife, Tamika, is an ...

How to Choose an Orthopedic Surgeon

By Michael J. Greller, MD While it may take a bit of research, finding a surgeon that combines surgical skill with a collaborative philosophy of care will help ensure you have a positive experience – an optimal outcome. Questions to Ask Your Surgeon The right surgeon should earn your trust and make you feel confident and ...

New Approach Can Shorten Breast Radiation Therapy

By Edward Soffen, MD, FACP Going through breast cancer treatment is emotionally and physically difficult for women. It’s also a major disruption to a woman’s everyday life. In the case of radiation therapy, women have traditionally received daily treatments for at least six weeks. Between getting to the hospital and receiving treatment, each session can mean missing multiple hours ...

Improve Your Memory with Brain Games

We’ve all experienced that moment of panic when someone approaches, and we can’t remember her name, or when we’re running late to an appointment and can’t find the car keys. These little lags in memory can slow down our days and add to anxiety, but all hope – and memory – is not lost. Is ...

Dedication to Detection: Finding Colon Cancer Early is Our Focus for 2018

By Amy Tilara, MD One simple procedure may add years to your life. I recently performed a screening colonoscopy on a 51-year-old man who wasn’t experiencing any of the typical symptoms of colon cancer, but had been referred for the test by his primary care physician. I found and removed a large polyp from his colon that had ...

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