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Vegetable Dishes for Kids

Are your children refusing to eat their vegetables? Consider these helpful cooking tips to approach that problem in new ways: Puree vegetables and use them as nearly undetectable ingredients in dishes such as meatloaf, hamburgers and pasta sauce. Prepare a variety of vegetables in a variety of ways. You may just hit on the right ...

Is it Time for a Joint Replacement?

Have you tried numerous forms of pain relief? YES/NO Is your joint pain affecting your everyday routine? YES/NO Do you sometimes feel depressed from the pain and limited mobility? YES/NO Are you ready to do what’s necessary (education, rehabilitation, healthy lifestyle) to support joint replacement? YES/NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, consider contacting ...

Know the FACTS about Joint Replacement

You do not have to wait until you can’t walk to consider surgery If pain is hindering your daily routine and non-invasive pain-relief methods are no longer helping, you should contact a physician and inquire about joint replacement. You don’t have to be a certain age to get joint replacement surgery Because of advances in ...

Top 5 Exercises for Healthy Joints

A balanced exercise program can help keep you fit, strong, flexible and trim, all of which support healthy joints. 1. Flexibility Training Improves range of motion and relieves stiffness. Try yoga, Pilates, tai chi or qigong. 2. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise Boosts endurance and helps with weight management. Walking, swimming, biking and low-impact aerobic classes are ...

5 Ways to Pain-Free Hips & Knees

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight Losing even a few pounds can help relieve excess stress on joints and muscles. 2. Master the Mediterranean Diet Colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and moderate amounts of nuts, olive oil and fish help reduce inflammation and control weight. 3. Move More Activities like walking, swimming, biking and ...

5 Proven Ways to Relieve Stiff, Achy Knees

Osteoarthritis and wear-and-tear arthritis are the most common causes of knee pain. Here are 5 ways to relieve the creaking and ease the discomfort: 1. Anti-Inflammatory Medications Over-the-counter aspirin or ibuprofen work well. 2. RICE Therapy Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation help lessen the swelling and pain. 3. Physical Therapy Exercise through physical therapy helps ...

The Mediterranean Diet Helps Keep Joints Healthy

The Mediterranean Diet abounds with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and olive oil. It also features moderate portions of fish, poultry—and even a little red wine! These fresh, flavorful foods contain numerous nutrients, powerful antioxidants and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which can help you: Curb inflammation and relieve joint pain Manage your weight (even ...

Stay Fit While You Rehab with The Anti-Gravity Treadmill®

Created by NASA, The Anti-Gravity Treadmill® is a game changer in physical therapy rehabilitation. It’s particularly beneficial for exercise enthusiasts, weekend warriors or athletes dealing with lower body injury or chronic pain. This state-of-the-art treadmill can help you: Reduce gravity’s impact by 20 to 100% of your body weight by 1% increments Rehabilitate lower extremity ...

3 Weight-Loss Tips to Relieve Knee & Hip Pain

“I’m trying to lose weight, but I can’t exercise because my knees and hips hurt.” Sound like you? Extra pounds cause extra stress on muscles and joints. Losing even a few pounds can help. Here’s three great ways to lose the weight and the pain:  1. Plant-Based or Mediterranean Diet Eat lots of fruits and ...

Simple and Yummy Veggie and Fruit Recipes

Wondering how to get kids to eat their vegetables? Looking for tips on how to get children to LOVE vegetables? Try these easy-to-make recipes they’ll love! Cauliflower, Potato & Leek Purée Serves 4–6 portions Ingredients 1 potato ½ small leek 3 cauliflower florets Breast or formula milk Directions Wash, peel and cube the potato. Wash the ...

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