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Are You Eligible for Weight-Loss Surgery?

If you’re severely overweight and it’s starting to affect your health and your life, weight-loss surgery could be the right choice for you. Weight-loss surgery helps you to gradually lose the weight and keep it off. So you can reduce or even eliminate health risks associated with obesity and live a healthier, happier life. To ...

Reduce Your Chances of Having a Stroke

Nearly 800,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year, and it’s not just an older person’s disease. In fact, an estimated one in 10 people who experience a stroke are under the age of 45. If you are experiencing stroke symptoms, you should call 911 immediately to seek expert medical attention. However, there are also a number ...

Perfect Summer Smoothies

Summer Fruit Smoothie Ingredients 1 cup fresh blueberries 1 cup fresh chopped strawberries 2 peaches, peeled, seeded and chopped 6 oz. non-fat, peach flavored Greek style yogurt 1 cup almond milk, unsweetened 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed 1/2 cup ice Directions Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth Nutritional Info Calories: 125 ...

Healthy Recipes for Expecting and New Moms

Expectant mothers need to be sure they get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to help ensure they get the nutrients they need for their unborn baby’s development. The following are two recipes that are ideal for prenatal meals. Chicken Ratatouille Served over rice, this delicious dish is loaded with vegetables and skinless chicken breasts, making it ...

Health Check-ups and Screenings for Women of All Ages

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future. Know your family’s medical history Find a primary care physician you like and get a yearly physical Maintain a healthy weight Eat well Move more Get enough sleep Practice relaxation techniques to help ...

Health Check-Ups and Screenings for Women in Their 60’s+

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future.* Annual physical exam—blood pressure, clinical breast exam, cholesterol testing Blood test for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems and anemia Cardiovascular evaluation Mammogram every year Eye disease screening Blood sugar testing—more often ...

Health Check-ups and Screenings for Women in Their 50’s

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future. Annual physical exam—blood pressure, clinical breast exam, cholesterol testing Blood test for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems and anemia Cardiovascular evaluation Mammogram every year Eye disease screening Blood sugar testing—more often ...

Health Check-ups and Screenings for Women in Their 40’s

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future. Annual physical exam—blood pressure, clinical breast exam, cholesterol testing Blood test for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems and anemia Cardiovascular evaluation Mammogram every one to two years Eye disease screening Blood ...

Health Check-ups and Screenings for Women in Their 30’s

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future. Annual physical exam—blood pressure, clinical breast exam Blood test for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems and anemia Blood sugar and cholesterol test—more often if you’re overweight Pelvic exam and Pap test ...

Health Check-ups and Screenings for Women in Their 20’s

Follow these steps to set the right healthy habits for maintaining well-being as you age and increase your chances of a disease- and illness-free future. Annual physical—blood pressure, clinical breast exam, blood test STD screening if you are sexually active Pelvic exam and Pap test starting at age 21 Blood sugar and cholesterol testing Skin check—talk to ...

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