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It was at the repeated urging of her primary care doctor that Loretta Nunez of Manalapan finally arranged to have a lung cancer screening. As a smoker over the age of 55, Loretta was at risk for lung cancer. She underwent a low dose screening CT scan that detected a small, suspicious nodule on her ...
Muriel Smith of Freehold stopped getting yearly mammograms at 75. “Who needs them at this age?” she thought. Four years later, the offer of a $50 off spa gift certificate with any mammogram at the Star & Barry Tobias Women’s Health Center at CentraState piqued her interest, and Muriel, now 79, figured she had nothing ...
She says she was fortunate her cancer was detected at all; fortunate to have a dedicated team of cancer experts close to home at CentraState; and fortunate to maintain a positive attitude with the help of family and friends, especially her husband, Fred, who was there for her every step of the way. “You have ...
New Jersey is the only state required by law to screen prenatal and postpartum women In the past decade, we’ve embraced the importance of screening, diagnosing and treating postpartum depression. But a new study found that the depression may actually start during the pregnancy. This finding suggests that if we can diagnose and begin treating ...
Why 24-hour rooming-in with your baby is so beneficial. At CentraState’s Maternity Center, you keep your baby with you at all times after you deliver! Better Sleep Babies who room-in with their mothers sleep deeper and for longer periods of time. Mothers sleep better when babies room-in with them. Promotes Bonding Mothers can learn about ...
While pregnant, you will need to decide if you will breastfeed your baby. If you choose to breastfeed, the more you know about it before you deliver, the better. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breast-fed for 6-12 months. Breastfed babies have lower rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarrhea, rashes, allergies and ...
When Deborah Mozak was diagnosed with breast cancer, it had already spread to the lymph nodes in her underarm and neck. “She essentially had inoperable breast cancer when she was diagnosed,” says Bhavesh Balar, MD, a board-certified and fellowship trained hematologist and oncologist on staff at CentraState. “It was very locally advanced—no distant spread, but ...
It’s difficult for your OBGYN to determine exactly when you will deliver your baby. Labor and delivery is different for every mother and newborn. The onset of labor is usually indicated by the following: A bloody show – This is the bloodstained mucus discharge that appears when the cervix begins to stretch. Until labor, this plug in the ...
Based on his age and family history, 78-year-old Robert C. Blum was particularly vigilant about his prostate health. “My father passed away from prostate cancer in his mid-to-late 70s, so I’ve been getting checked every year,” says the Jackson resident and former presiding judge for the municipal courts of Monmouth County. When Robert’s level of PSA or ...