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Rehab Gets Mom Back Walking on Her Own Two Feet

Ulcerative colitisĀ by itself would have been bad enough. By the time Kristin Detamore, then 35, returned to work as a school social worker after the birth of her second son, she was accustomed to the pain from inflammatory bowel disease. But the headache baffled her. Unfortunately, the headache soon turned into something much more severe: ...

A Three-Generation Commitment to Health with Weight-Loss Surgery

At only 22 years old, Mariah Rodriguezā€™s lifelong battle with her weight had come to this: She struggled to walk from her car up to her attic bedroom, she was uncomfortable going out with friends, and she was on the verge of developing diabetes. Having had no success losing weight with diet and exercise, the ...

Moving Forward – Following Up with a Young Stroke Survivor

That optimism came from a 24-year-old woman who just the year previously had her life turned upside down by a stroke. Now, more than two years later, Alex’s positivity has only grown as she continues to make remarkable progress in her recovery. In December 2012, Alex was just getting ready to go on winter break ...

Couple Looses Nearly 200 Pounds with Bariatric Surgery

Old Bridge residents Betty and Bob Peterson, both 53, had spent their 35-year marriage doing virtually everything together. For many years, that included eating poorly, becoming obese, and developing significant health problems that often accompany excessive weight, including Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. ā€œAfter years of putting our health on the back burner, we ...

A Young Stroke SurvivorĀ Credits Fast ActionĀ for Her Recovery

Catherine Zalewski knew right away that she was having a stroke. She just wasnā€™t able to tell anyone around her. Catherine, who was Miss New Jersey in 2011, was working at her gym as a personal trainer on the morning of July 30 when she suddenly began feeling ā€œvery strange,ā€ she recalls. She lost coordination ...

Tough But Ready with LSVT Rehab

Lydia Arana, 79, is a soft-spoken woman, living with Parkinsonā€™s disease but not willing to let it keep her down. The Matawan resident was diagnosed with the degenerative neurological disease in 2007 and has lived with fluctuating levels of intense tremors for years, but last year she started the LSVT BIG & LOUD Parkinsonā€™s programs ...

Breathing Easier with Pulmonary Rehabilitation

For about a year, Sandy Gordon of Colts Neck had labored breathing when performing tasks such as climbing stairs, and just thought it was part of the aging process. When her breathing didnā€™t improve, she visitedĀ Kenneth D. Barofsky, MD, board-certified internal medicine physician and on staff at CentraStateĀ and did the breathing test, and he diagnosed ...

Rock Steady: How Ken Fights Back Against Parkinson’s

Rock Steady BoxingĀ can help patients improve balance, strength, and agility. Ken Springer goes to the gym twice every week to box his enemy. But heā€™s not fighting against any ordinary opponentā€”this one is a degenerative movement disorder that causes a deterioration of motor skills, balance, speech, and sensory function. It affects nearly one million people ...

Freedom to Live: Pelvic Floor Program Offers Gina Relief from Chronic Pain

Gina Barnett was living in extreme pain. Her pelvic area felt so heavy that she could barely walk, forcing the 52-year-old Freehold resident to give up exercise, singing, and just about every other activity she loved. ā€œI was constantly uncomfortable,ā€ says Gina, describing unbearable pressure and pain that extended from her pelvis all the way ...

Balance and Dizziness Program Restores Mary Jean’s Stability and Independence

Life has been compared to a carouselā€”sometimes up, sometimes down, and sometimes round and round. No one understands that better than Mary Jean Sehnal, who suffered from vertigo (the sensation of spinning), weakness, and other problems that impaired her balance for the past 10 years. ā€œI woke up dizzy every morning, like I was on ...

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