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8 Ways Your Body Is Trying to Tell You That You’re Vitamin Deficient

Your body has a unique way of signaling when it isn’t getting the nutrients that it needs. Do you know how to read the signs? Here are a few ways that your body is letting you know that it’s not getting what it needs and some tips to a healthier lifestyle. 1. Cracked Lips or ...

Why Is It So Hard to Quit Smoking?

There are five common obstacles that stop smokers from taking the leap, according to Amy Metzger, MSW, LCSW, behavioral health consultant at CentraState. They are: Fear of failure Lack of support Physical discomfort from withdrawal, such as cravings and urges Difficulty ending a “relationship” with cigarettes Lack of other coping skills to relieve stress But ...

4 Time-Saving Tips for Healthy Cooking

For many people, it’s tough getting a healthy, home-cooked meal on the table every day. But it doesn’t need to be that way. “You can fit eating health into your busy schedule—you just have to be prepared and get a little creative,” says Aimee Crant-Oksa, MS, RD, FAND, clinical nutrition manager at CentraState. She recommends ...

Build Better Bone Health

Put some pressure on your bones—it’s good for them! Your bones are alive. Like muscles, they are living tissue and respond to pressure. When bones undergo good stress, such as bouncing, walking, or jumping, they will grow new cells. To maintain strong, healthy bones, two types of exercise are important: High & Low Impact Weight ...

7 Summertime Health Risks You May Not Know About

When the weather is warm and the skies are blue, road trips and outdoor fun are almost always on the agenda. But summertime health risks abound. Here are a few uncommon ways that a fun time can be interrupted by a medical issue. High-Altitude Sickness – Hiking is a popular pastime during the warmer months. ...

Diabetes Prevention Through Weight Loss

Diabetes Prevention Did you know 1 out of 3 adults has prediabetes? Having prediabetes means your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Prediabetes can lead to heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes–but it can be reversed. In fact, if you lose just 5 to 7 percent of ...

Fight Cancer-Related Side Effects with Movement

By Brian Mason, PT, DPT At times, the side effects of cancer treatment can be very debilitating. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other treatments can affect a patient’s activities, leading to weight loss, cancer-related fatigue and worse. Luckily, there are ways to combat some of these side effects to improve vitality and quality of life. What ...

How to Create a Sleep Sanctuary in 5 Easy Steps

Do you dream about getting a good night’s sleep? You’re not alone. Between work, kids, aging parents and endless to-do lists, it’s hard to turn off your mind when you turn off the lights. Try these tips from Isabella Kaplunovich, RRT, RST, sleep specialist at CentraState, for transforming your bedroom to create a sleep sanctuary: ...

Know How to Say “No”

Does this scenario seem familiar? After a long, exhausting week, you can’t wait to sleep in on Sunday morning. On Saturday, you get a call from your friend asking you to go to brunch—you guessed it—on Sunday morning. You give her a rambling reason why you can’t do it, and next thing you know, she’s ...

10 Minutes a Day to an Organized Home and Clutter-Free Life

Clear the clutter from your mind and home using the 10 & 10 approach from Jamie Novak, author of Keep This Toss That. It’ll help you get and stay organized in manageable bites rather than taking an overwhelming all-or-nothing approach. Write down everything you want to organize and then pick your top ten to-dos. Hang ...

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