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As a woman living with multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 25 years, Rachel Wichansky of Freehold never had “riding a horse” on her to-do list—that is, until she signed up for a new CentraState program, CentraStrides for MS. “It was something new to challenge my body,” says Rachel. “And I’m not giving in to ...
Necrotizing Fasciitis No Match for Coordinated, Comprehensive Care Audra Carletta awoke in the middle of the night with a small, painful bump on her right elbow. Less than 48 hours later, she was in the operating room. The cause? A fast-moving form of necrotizing fasciitis, or “flesh-eating” disease. After noticing the spot, Audra, 40, a ...
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition that affects tens of millions of adults in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What are the risk factors for hypertension? Family history Advanced age Lack of exercise Poor diet Excess weight CentraState’s Hypertension Management Program aims ...
Years after Toms River resident John Cicolella served our country in Vietnam, he began to experience severe jaw, back, and shoulder pain and excruciating headaches. Now, after years of debilitating pain, he is back to riding his motorcycle, thanks to physical therapy. John, 68, spent two years in Vietnam, where he was exposed to an ...
When Karen Cohen learned that she’d need to go back to her doctor’s office for extra images after her routine mammogram, she wasn’t alarmed; it happened last year, too. But when an ultrasound suggested breast cancer, she was stunned. “No one in my family has had breast cancer, so I was caught off guard,” says ...
When Russell Heulitt learned he needed rotator cuff surgery, he circled an important date on the calendar: a golf trip with friends that was three months away. Russell, 35, a sports enthusiast from Jackson, had been experiencing pain in his left shoulder for years before he felt a sharp pull in the joint when fixing ...
As the parent of an infant living in the age of COVID-19, you probably never imagined a time when you’d have to worry about getting your favorite brand of disposable diapers at the store. Thankfully, if you are breastfeeding your baby, milk is one thing you won’t have to go out to get. Still, many ...
While the end of cancer treatment can be a time for celebration, for some survivors it may also be the beginning of a new chapter filled with questions and concerns about what comes next. “Survivors may experience a wide array of emotions when treatment is over—but they do not need to deal with these feelings ...
High school student Nora Lombardo has the recipe for success in CentraState’s kitchens. She spends her mornings surrounded by the sweet scents of rising pastry dough and cake batter. For her, baking is a heartfelt art. “I like making people happy and putting smiles on their faces,” says Nora. Nora, from Middletown, is a student ...
There’s always something beautiful blossoming at The Manor Health and Rehabilitation Center, thanks to a special initiative called Eldergrow. Eldergrow is a mobile, indoor garden that provides horticultural therapy for seniors. The Manor was the first facility in New Jersey to implement the garden, made possible through a grant in November 2018. “Eldergrow has enhanced ...