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Anemia: Kinds, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

By Bhavesh Balar, MD When you hear the term anemia, you probably think of low iron. However, low iron is only one of several causes of anemia. In fact, you can have plenty of iron in your body and still be anemic. Hematology is the study of diseases of the blood. As a hematologist, anemia ...

13 Bad Habits That Pose Serious Health Risks

By Joseph Raccuglia, MD We all indulge in a few bad habits. Forming healthier habits takes time. Experts say that it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit. If you’re looking to take steps to improve your health, here are a few bad habits to consider leaving behind. 1. Social Media While ...

Autoimmune Diseases in the Era of COVID-19: What You Need to Know

By Mutahir Abidi, MD Millions of Americans take medications to suppress their immune system to treat an autoimmune disease, like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or lupus. Out of fear of contracting the COVID-19 virus, these patients may be tempted to stop taking these medications to boost their immunity. However, this is a decision that requires thoughtful ...

Don’t Put Your Health on Hold

As New Jerseyans start down the road toward re-entry after a period of social distancing, many are wondering whether it is safe to return to the activities that once seemed commonplace, including seeking medical care.  Physicians and health care experts say it is more than safe; it is critical to seek medical attention that you ...

A New Way for New Moms to Get Together During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The first few months of being home with your baby are amazing. Every day is filled with awe over this little person that’s become your whole world.  As incredible as it is, this time can also feel isolating and even a little lonely.  That’s why many new moms join a New Moms group.  Arielle Buxbaum ...

Delivering Your Baby Safely During the COVID-19 Crisis

By Michael Kirwin, MD Delivering your baby brings some anxiety, even in normal times. The COVID-19 crisis has added an extra level of anxiety. While you might not have thought about COVID-19 until recently, you may rest assured that CentraState has taken the appropriate measures to ensure that you and your baby have a safe ...

Being a New Mom During the Coronavirus

How to Adapt When You Don’t Have Your Go-to Support System to Rely On Caring for a newborn is challenging in the best of times. Doing it during a coronavirus pandemic presents a whole new set of challenges—especially when you’re separated from your parents, close relatives and friends. They’re sheltering in place at their homes. ...

Why More Women Are Choosing IUDs for Birth Control

By Margaret Dufreney, MD Women are increasingly choosing to use intrauterine devices (IUDs) to prevent pregnancy. How do you know if this method is right for you? An IUD is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. Depending on the type of device, IUDs prevent pregnancy by either blocking fertilization of the egg ...

Coronavirus Q & A

As concerns over coronavirus rise, you may be wondering exactly what it is, how you can protect yourself and what to be on the lookout for. Robert Pedowitz, DO, from Family Practice of CentraState helps answer what we know to date: What is a novel coronavirus? A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has ...

Breathe Easy: Seasonal Allergies 101

Spring is here—which means we’re settling into the warm sunshine and taking in the fresh air. But for some, springtime may bring sneezy, stuffed-up noses and itchy eyes. We’re talking about those dreaded seasonal allergies. “Statistics show that 50 million Americans of all ages suffer from allergies,” says Philip Case, MD, board-certified allergist-immunologist at CentraState. ...

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