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While Sarah and Christian Moon of Jackson were already quite familiar with the labor and delivery process at CentraState, welcoming their new baby during the COVID-19 crisis added a new level of uncertainty to the event. Luckily, the birth of their fourth—and last—child was particularly special. On April 7, Sarah Moon welcomed baby Owen, who ...
Over the past five months, we’ve had to consider survival tactics on many fronts—from protecting ourselves and others from coronavirus exposure to shifting strategies and expectations for school and work. Our sense of normalcy has changed in nearly every way, and adaptation will remain important as society transitions back to its more regular routines. “People ...
Spending time in natural spaces has a host of benefits for your mental and physical health. There’s even a scientific name for taking part in outdoor activities—ecotherapy. Research suggests spending time outdoors enjoying the greenery, breathing in the fresh air, or going for a stroll can help you relax, decrease negativity and improve your mental ...
If you’ve been waking up every morning feeling tired and craving more sleep, you’ve got company: In the best of times, one in three Americans don’t get enough sleep of seven or more hours a day. Add uncertainty and anxiety into the mix and sleep seems even more elusive. To fall asleep faster and sleep ...
Starting a family is an important decision. If you’re not ready yet, talk to your doctor about which contraception methods may be right for you. Board-certified OBGYN Margaret Dufreney, MD, provides an overview of some hormonal, nonhormonal, short-acting, and long-acting options for women. Birth control pills are a popular choice. There are two kinds of birth control ...
Your most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. So how’s it going? If you’re like many of us, you tend to treat others more kindly than you treat yourself. The truth is no one expects you to be a superhero, and you shouldn’t expect it of yourself. How can we free ourselves ...
Transformation never comes easy. Some days we are inspired to make lifestyle choices to enhance our well-being. And once in a while we are forced into a new way of being. As we emerge from the pandemic, we get the opportunity to reflect on our personal choices and what we’d like to do differently. The ...
By Mutahir Abidi, MD Joint inflammation can not only cause pain and limit your level of activity, but it also can be a symptom of arthritis. While there isn’t a food or supplement that’s been scientifically proven to decrease joint inflammation, there are substances that have provided some relief for those with chronic joint pain. ...
By Maher Youssef, MD, FACP I recently saw a patient who had tripped at home, cutting and bruising his face, eyebrow, and arm. He should’ve gone to the nearest emergency department to rule out a concussion and make sure his wounds were clean and didn’t need stitches. However, he was afraid to go to the ...
Across the nation, the LGBT+ community is finding new ways to raise their voices and celebrate Pride Month while keeping their communities safe in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. At CentraState, we’re shining a spotlight on a new committee formed to address the needs of the LGBT+ community as they navigate the healthcare system. ...