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A Microscopic but Mighty Approach to Treating Liver Cancer

For some patients with liver cancer, surgery may not be an option. CentraState now offers transarterial radioembolization (TARE), an advanced therapy that targets tumors with a high dose of focused radiation while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. Approximately 34,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer in the United States each year, according to the Centers for ...

Live Life Well Again

As more people receive their COVID-19 vaccinations and states lift lockdown restrictions, the possibilities of things we can do again are nearly endless. But for many who already have the vaccine, what they have been looking forward to doing to most largely comes down to the three Fs: family, friends and festivities. Have you been ...

Take Action TODAY for a Healthier TOMORROW with These Important Screenings

You’ve done a great job of trying to keep yourself COVID-free, but it’s time to make the rest of your body a priority! Health screenings and regular visits to your primary care provider are the keys to early detection of a host of illnesses and your best path to maintaining your physical well-being. By staying ...

Thank a Loved One with a Gratitude Letter

Over the last year, we have seen family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and strangers pull together for the well-being of the community. Perhaps it is time to offer some thanks. Showing your appreciation for someone doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Even the smallest efforts can make someone’s day. Try starting off by writing a ...

Healthy Summer Grilling Recipes

Summer is here, and along with flip-flops and sunscreen comes the sizzling on the grill. Often grilled foods include an array of heavily-marinated and fatty foods that don’t do any favors to your waistline and can have other health impacts. But choosing healthier options doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all your favorites. ...

Savor the Taste of Summer: Hot & Healthy Grilling Ideas

If it’s over 90 degrees outside, there’s no way you’ll be cooking inside! But if you’re wondering how to keep it healthy and still partake in your summer grilling favorites, look no further. Here are four easy ways to swap out high-fat, high-salt foods without missing out on the classic tastes of summer. Bye-Bye Beef: ...

A Little Bit of Thanks Goes a Long Way

We are powered by people. No matter who you come across each day, you can lift someone up by making even the smallest of kind gestures. Give them your undivided attention, offer a smile or nod, and say a simple “thank you” for the little things. It’s easy to acknowledge a stranger by paying a ...

Life After Stroke: Maximum Independence is the Goal

Adapting to the changes in life after suffering a stroke is challenging to say the least. There are new medications, therapies, and doctors one must see, not to mention the physical and emotional needs when recovering from a stroke. But patients recovering from stroke don’t need to do it alone.  CentraState’s Transition of Care Stroke ...

What Do Babies Dream About?

When your sweet bundle of joy is born, you can’t help but think…what do babies dream about? If they were born at CentraState Medical Center, their slumbers may be filled with dreams about the wonderful care you both received. Abundant Pregnancy Resources We support our moms-to-be for healthy and empowered pregnancies. Prenatal classes cover childbirth ...

Your Rx for Healthy Bones: Vitamin D

Among the essential functions of Vitamin D is calcium absorption for strong bones, teeth and muscles. Unfortunately, about 40 percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient, leading to osteoporosis and other bone health issues as you age. That’s why it’s vital to get your daily recommendation of 600 International Units (IU) of vitamin D for ...

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