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What’s more comforting than a hot bowl of soup or stew on a cold winter’s day served with a chunk of earthy bread for soaking up all the yummy goodness? Even better, soups and stews are all-in-one, easy-to-make meals that fill your home with an inviting aroma while they’re cooking. Make a big batch, separate ...
That first at-home pregnancy test just produced a positive result, and so did the second and third ones you took just to make sure! This is an important time in the health and development of your baby. After you share the good news with your partner, there are some important things you’ll want to do ...
Have you ever felt captivated by the glow of the moon against a deep blue sky on a clear night? How about the delightful aroma of freshly baked bread or the sound of a child’s laughter? These everyday moments, known as “glimmers,” are fleeting yet powerful, evoking feelings of joy, calm and well-being. “Glimmers are ...
Acid reflux – a backward flow of stomach acid into your esophagus – can put you at risk for esophageal cancer if not controlled. If acid reflux worsens or occurs two to three times each week, it can develop into gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), several precancerous conditions or even esophageal cancer. The key to preventing ...
While you may typically seek the expertise of your primary care physician or main health provider for physical concerns, these healthcare professionals also serve as an important resource for the health of your mind. “Primary care providers are highly skilled in treating all aspects of a patient’s health,” says Shira Meyer, DO, internal medicine physician ...
Tracy Vitulli of Freehold was running the bases during a softball game years ago when he suddenly couldn’t catch his breath – and then couldn’t get out of bed for several days. A longtime smoker, Tracy learned he had emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), two conditions that cause irreversible lung damage. “I gained ...
Today’s technology allows us to pop in a pair of earbuds, tune out the world and enjoy our favorite music and podcasts anytime, anywhere. But are earbuds safe? Not always. “Growing evidence suggests a troubling link between earbud use and potential hearing damage, particularly with younger people,” says CentraState ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist ...
You likely know that smoking – whether vaping or smoking tobacco or marijuana – is detrimental to your health. However, your body benefits quickly and significantly from quitting any type of smoking. The effect of smoking on the body is dose-dependent, meaning the health risks of smoking increase both with the number of cigarettes smoked ...
Ever wonder why you seem to sleep better when it’s cooler outside? It all comes down to how your body regulates temperature. The hypothalamus, a part of your brain that acts like a thermostat, controls your body’s temperature, which fluctuates throughout the day and night. “As part of your natural circadian rhythm, your core body ...
Have fall allergies turned you into a sniffling, sneezing, itchy-eyed mess? You’re not alone. More than 80 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, which can range from being a mild nuisance to downright debilitating. “Seasonal, year-round and food allergies are increasing in prevalence and symptom severity,” says CentraState allergist Philip Case, MD. “I’ve been in ...