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Carolanne Weinberger suffered from hip pain for years but wouldn’t let it slow her down. In fact, she ran 21 races in 2019. She soon learned, however, that you can’t outrun hip pain. Carolanne, 54, works out every day. The Toms River resident started experiencing hip pain three years ago. She tried active release therapy—a ...
As the weather crisps and we spend more time inside, the risk of contracting a respiratory illness, including the common cold, flu, or COVID-19, increases significantly. “Remaining vigilant against these diseases is so important,” says James Matera, DO, chief medical officer at CentraState. “It’s up to us to help keep our community safe.” Dr. Matera ...
There’s an old English proverb that says, “Time heals all wounds,” but doctors will tell you that the saying is only true for some. As a general rule of thumb, it should take two weeks for a wound to start healing and four weeks to complete the process, says Anthony Fiorilli, DPM, co-director of Central ...
We’ve learned that COVID-19 is a complex disease—one that uniquely affects each person. Some who have recovered from COVID-19 infection may develop post-COVID syndrome—also called long-haul COVID—which can cause breathing issues, heart problems, kidney damage, neurological symptoms, and lingering loss of taste or smell long after they are virus-free. These symptoms may be quite subtle ...
When Ray Tipperreiter of New Egypt woke up on Superbowl Sunday to find his driveway covered in snow, he fired up the snowblower and got to work so he could relax and enjoy the game later. However, when he tried to clear a clog in the machine, he severely damaged his right hand. Ray, 73, ...
A family medicine physician can often be the first point of contact for preventive issues—and your strongest advocate when there are any health concerns. Although CentraState employee Racquel Diodato, 57, kept up-to-date with her specialty appointments and screenings throughout the years, she was looking to find a primary care provider close to home and get ...
Breast cancer screening rates dropped sharply when the COVID-19 pandemic began, and for many women, getting back to scheduling their annual mammogram and other important health appointments still remains a challenge. CentraState Healthcare System just made that one item on many women’s to-do list a little bit easier by offering routine mammography screenings with no ...
At age 46, Maria Reid of Millstone was hardly ever sick. In fact, she hadn’t taken a sick day in seven years—at least until early March 2020, when she began to feel awful. Her temperature rose to 103 degrees, and after a pneumonia diagnosis at urgent care, she was sent to CentraState’s Emergency Department. The ...
As the COVID-19 virus continues to change, so does the information—and the questions. We sat down with CentraState Healthcare System Infection Disease Specialist Ramanasri Kudipudi, MD, to get answers about the new Delta variant, and the latest CDC recommendations. What is the delta variant? When COVID-19 spreads enough, it mutates. Some of these mutations are ...
By Maurine Shalev, MD Think you’re the only woman who suffers from urinary tract infections? Think again. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, more than half of all women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime and about a third will require antibiotic treatment for one by the time they ...