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One on One: Tips and Tools Help Former Producer’s Blood Pressure

When Bob Hoenig retired from his demanding job in news radio seven years ago, he looked forward to his new, stress-free lifestyle. Then, a cardiac issue—combined with decades of chronic high blood pressure—threw his life into a tailspin. Bob, 72, had coronary bypass surgery in 2020 to open a clogged artery. While the procedure improved ...

The Common Illness You May Not Know You Have

More than 84% of adults with prediabetes don’t know they have it. You may be asking yourself… do I have prediabetes? Prediabetes is when your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as diabetes. Factors like being overweight or physically inactive put you at risk for prediabetes. If ...

Recovered from COVID, but Still Not Feeling Right?

You’re grateful you recovered from COVID. But since then, you just haven’t felt like yourself. You have health issues you never had before, and it’s taking a toll—mentally and physically. If this strikes a chord, you could have Post-COVID Syndrome, a very real condition where you experience persistent symptoms and side-effects weeks—or even months—after being ...

Do Posture Correctors Work?

We all do it. We slouch our way through the day—over our desk, lunch, phone. By day’s end, you’ve got an achy back or neck and you’ll try anything to feel better—even purchasing a posture corrector, a brace-like device that claims to help stop the slouch. But do they really work? “Posture correctors can make ...

Fill Up on Fiber: It’s Good for You—and Your Waistline

When’s the last time you had a craving for bran cereal? Probably never. But if you want to lose weight and improve your health, increasing your fiber intake can help. “High fiber meals make you feel fuller faster,” says Caryn Alter, a registered dietitian at the Star and Barry Tobias Health Awareness Center. “Fiber-rich food ...

When to Seek Emergency Room Care for COVID-19

With the rapid rise of the new COVID-19 variant, many people who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or who have minor symptoms are seeking testing in our Emergency Department. CentraState wants to remind you that the Emergency Room is not the place to get tested if you have no symptoms or are experiencing ...

How Your Feet Clue You In to Your Health

That funny colored toenail could be trying to tell you something. “Your feet can be a good window into your overall health,” says CentraState foot and ankle surgeon/podiatrist John A. Brandeisky, DPM, MS, FACFAS. “A thorough foot exam can reveal everything from diabetes to cancer to a nerve disorder.” Here are some common symptoms that ...

Simple Strategies for Improving Memory & Focus

Ever wonder why you can’t remember something from a minute ago, but can recall lyrics of a decades-old song? Don’t worry. It’s not your memory failing. “Forgetting why you walked into a room is actually not a memory problem. It’s a distraction problem,” explains CentraState speech-language pathologist and brain health Coach Marilyn Abrahamson. “Short-term memory ...

For Weight Loss, There Are No Magic Pills: Here’s What Works

There are thousands of medications that help people live healthier longer, but unfortunately, there is no magic pill for weight loss. Instead, your weight depends on the number of calories you eat and drink, how many of those calories you store, and how many you use. Quite simply, if you consume more calories than you ...

Treating Psoriatic Arthritis Takes Teamwork

Kristin Merrell had been living with psoriasis for nearly two years when she started experiencing joint pain. Not thinking much about it, she drove to Connecticut for a weekend getaway. By the time she reached her destination, she could barely walk. Kristin, 46, of Brick, had been using topical prescription medication to treat psoriasis, a ...

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