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New AI Technology for Cardiac Care Improves Visualization of Heart Blockages

Accurately assessing the severity of a blockage in a coronary artery can be a challenge. Interventional cardiologists at CentraState now have access to cutting-edge technology that combines 3D cardiac imaging with artificial intelligence. Called CathWorks FFRangio®, the system improves artery visualization and facilitates a more customized treatment plan with a less invasive approach. “When determining ...

Boosting Teen Confidence and Mental Health Through Fitness

For tweens and teens, the feeling of not fitting in can be distressing. Peer pressure and the adverse effects of social media—unrealistic comparisons to other teens and celebrities, fear of missing out and the well-documented addictiveness of social platforms—can compound the problem and undermine a young person’s mental health and well-being. Depression, social anxiety and ...

Explore the Alcohol-Free Drink Trend

Picture yourself at an after-work happy hour sipping a beautifully crafted drink. The cherry on top? It’s alcohol-free. As part of a “sober-curious” movement, more people are taking a closer look at the role alcohol plays in their lives and, in turn, choosing to reduce or eliminate it. And many are feeling better as a ...

Treating Blocked Arteries Before a Heart Attack Happens

CentraState not only has the capability to open blocked arteries during a heart attack, but our interventional cardiologists can also skillfully perform this lifesaving procedure before it becomes an emergency. The medical center received licensing approval from the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) to perform elective angioplasty, also known as elective percutaneous coronary intervention ...

15 Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby

You’ve probably heard that “breast is best.” In addition to being a catchy phrase, it’s true: there are a number of benefits for both mother and baby for those who choose to breastfeed. Lysanne Loucel, IBCLC, a board-certified lactation consultant at CentraState, breaks down these benefits, along with the challenges and how a partner can ...

Backpacks 101: How to Wear One Safely

Before your child heads back to school, ensuring they have a properly fitting backpack should be at the top of your to-do list. Improperly worn or too heavy backpacks can cause acute and chronic back, neck and shoulder pain notes CentraState sports medicine specialist, Arth Patel, MD. Dr. Patel answers questions and shares his backpack ...

Dos & Don’ts for A Healthy Pregnancy

The pregnancy journey comes with lots of questions, especially when you’re having your first baby. In the age of information overload, your OB/GYN team can serve as a trusted resource on what’s healthy for you and your baby – as well as what lifestyle adjustments should be made. CentraState OB/GYNs Angela Markman, MD, and Benoit ...

How to Keep Aging Knees Healthy

Throughout life, our knees help us in ways we don’t even think about, from our initial first steps to riding a bike, lifting a child or tending a garden – and they do it all while bearing the weight of our bodies. Yet over time, the protective cartilage that cushions the knee joint can wear ...

Physical Therapy Technology Offers a New Hope for Patients with Brain Conditions

Cutting-edge technology is helping patients with brain and balance issues learn to adjust their movements to become more stable – and more confident when walking. Ataxia is a type of poor muscle control that can affect everything from walking and eye-hand coordination to speech and swallowing. It is typically caused by an issue with the ...

Swimming: The Perfect Full-Body Exercise

When Julie McLaughlin suggested that her husband, Mark McLaughlin, MD, join her for a swim class at the CentraState Fitness & Wellness Center, he couldn’t have predicted it would become one of his favorite ways to exercise. “I’m a wrestler and a runner, but these activities come with muscle and joint soreness,” says Dr. McLaughlin, ...

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