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Preventing Hearing Loss from Earbud Use

Today’s technology allows us to pop in a pair of earbuds, tune out the world and enjoy our favorite music and podcasts anytime, anywhere. But are earbuds safe? Not always. “Growing evidence suggests a troubling link between earbud use and potential hearing damage, particularly with younger people,” says CentraState ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist ...

How Your Body Benefits from Quitting Smoking

You likely know that smoking – whether vaping or smoking tobacco or marijuana – is detrimental to your health. However, your body benefits quickly and significantly from quitting any type of smoking. The effect of smoking on the body is dose-dependent, meaning the health risks of smoking increase both with the number of cigarettes smoked ...

How Cooler Temperatures Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

Ever wonder why you seem to sleep better when it’s cooler outside? It all comes down to how your body regulates temperature. The hypothalamus, a part of your brain that acts like a thermostat, controls your body’s temperature, which fluctuates throughout the day and night. “As part of your natural circadian rhythm, your core body ...

Fall Allergy Alert: Expert Advice for Relief

Have fall allergies turned you into a sniffling, sneezing, itchy-eyed mess? You’re not alone. More than 80 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, which can range from being a mild nuisance to downright debilitating. “Seasonal, year-round and food allergies are increasing in prevalence and symptom severity,” says CentraState allergist Philip Case, MD. “I’ve been in ...

Heart-Stopping Event Prompts Lifesaving Teamwork

Teamwork is a familiar and valued concept for 19-year-old Howell resident J.J. Machnik. From being named captain of his high school wrestling team as a junior to inspiring younger students to join the roster, he’s always had a talent for bringing people together. But he never realized the crucial role teamwork would play in saving ...

Halloween Safety Tips for Children and Teens

Halloween is a day full of excitement, imagination and fun frights, but it poses extra safety risks for kids and teens. Before your little hobgoblins head out for Halloween trick-or-treating, it’s important to plan ahead so they stay safe and avoid injuries. From tips on wearing safe costumes to preventing allergic reactions to dodging stranger ...

The Amazing Apple: Nutritious and Delicious

Apples are a fall favorite for good reason. What’s better than sinking your teeth into a juicy, crisp, satisfying apple? They’re delicious, nutritious and versatile.   Nutritional Powerhouse   A small apple with skin has 77 calories and provides 3.6 grams of cholesterol-controlling dietary fiber and about half that amount once peeled. Additionally, apples are rich in ...

Trusting the Experts for a Second Win Against Breast Cancer

After completing treatment for early-stage breast cancer in 2011, Marites “Jing” Nieveras had put the disease in her rearview mirror. She moved forward with her life, working as a registered nurse in CentraState’s Pre-Admission Testing department and raising two teenagers with her husband, Mike.  Jing’s commitment to her annual mammogram and breast ultrasound at CentraState’s ...

Is Your Family Ready for Cold and Flu Season?

With Autumn’s chill comes the season of coughs, sniffles and scratchy throats. Caused by viruses ranging from the flu and COVID-19 to the common cold, such symptoms can leave you mildly run down—or feverish and bedridden. Fortunately, there are ways to lower your and your family’s risk of illness. “The viruses are out there, but ...

New AI Technology for Cardiac Care Improves Visualization of Heart Blockages

Accurately assessing the severity of a blockage in a coronary artery can be a challenge. Interventional cardiologists at CentraState now have access to cutting-edge technology that combines 3D cardiac imaging with artificial intelligence. Called CathWorks FFRangio®, the system improves artery visualization and facilitates a more customized treatment plan with a less invasive approach. “When determining ...

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