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Physical Therapy Technology Offers a New Hope for Patients with Brain Conditions

By |2025-03-03T14:33:06-05:00August 2nd, 2024|Categories: Physical Therapy|Tags: , , |

Cutting-edge technology is helping patients with brain and balance issues learn to adjust their movements to become more stable – and more confident when walking. Ataxia is a type of poor muscle control that can affect everything from walking and eye-hand coordination to speech and swallowing. It is typically [...]

Boost Your Brain with Exercise

By |2024-07-08T12:27:51-04:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z, Neuroscience|Tags: , |

Exercise is good for your body, but did you know that those benefits also extend to your brain? “Exercise improves the function of your cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems, all of which support your brain's health and ability to do its job,” says CentraState neurosurgeon Mark McLaughlin, [...]

Complex Brain Surgery Hits All the Right Notes

By |2024-06-21T12:34:01-04:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: Neuroscience, Patient Stories|Tags: , , |

Gary Triolo’s workday started like any other – going through paperwork, checking email and answering calls – until his world suddenly started spinning out of control. “I looked up and the room started to spin to the left in slow motion,” explains Gary, who serves as the director of Food [...]

Wrestling Coach Overcomes Paralysis in the Match of a Lifetime

By |2024-11-20T15:52:05-05:00November 1st, 2023|Categories: Neuroscience, Patient Stories|Tags: , |

Rutgers University wrestling coach Jordan Pagano, 27, was recently demonstrating simple wrestling moves with a student-athlete, something he does regularly. When he placed his hands on the mat to change positions, the unexpected happened: he ruptured a disc in his neck. The herniated disc pushed on Jordan’s spinal cord, [...]

A Blueprint for Better Quality of Life: Disc Replacement Surgery Relieves Architect’s Pain

By |2022-11-08T12:34:01-05:00April 20th, 2022|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , , |

Laura Mulroy is a hands-on architect, often rolling up her sleeves to help complete home renovation projects for her clients. When the active Freehold resident’s chronic neck pain began to impact her livelihood, Laura sought a long-term solution. Laura, 51, had neck pain, migraines, and tension headaches for decades. [...]

Back to the Slopes: Spine Surgery Ends Decades of Pain for Sports Enthusiast

By |2024-05-10T08:13:20-04:00January 18th, 2022|Categories: Health A-Z, Neuroscience, Physical Therapy|Tags: , , , , |

Andrew Ferrara was a three-sport high school athlete when he suffered a football injury that permanently sidelined his athletic career. He herniated two discs in his back as a teen. At the time, the surgery to repair it was risky. So instead, he wore a brace to stabilize his [...]

Simple Strategies for Improving Memory & Focus

By |2021-12-21T10:24:00-05:00December 21st, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z, Healthy Aging|Tags: , |

Ever wonder why you can’t remember something from a minute ago, but can recall lyrics of a decades-old song? Don’t worry. It’s not your memory failing. “Forgetting why you walked into a room is actually not a memory problem. It’s a distraction problem,” explains CentraState speech-language pathologist and brain [...]

Walking Tall: Minimally Invasive Surgery Relieves Sciatica Pain

By |2024-05-10T08:08:59-04:00April 11th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z, Neuroscience, Orthopedics|Tags: , , , |

A string of falls and a car accident left Whiting resident Nanette Neves in constant agony. Plagued with numbness and pain in her leg and lower back, she endured eight years of treatments to manage the pain. When she had trouble getting out of bed, she knew it was [...]

Dispelling Myths About Electroconvulsive Therapy

By |2022-09-08T15:53:47-04:00April 9th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z, Neuroscience|Tags: , |

While it is often associated with misconceptions, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a specialized treatment that can be very effective in certain people struggling with severe depression and certain other behavioral health conditions not helped by medication or psychotherapy. Moustafa H. Shafey, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist on staff at CentraState, [...]


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