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The Power of Personalized Cancer Care

By |2018-08-29T09:48:49-04:00May 11th, 2017|Categories: Cancer|Tags: |

By Bhavesh Balar, MD Cancer is an unpredictable disease — two people diagnosed with the same type of cancer may have completely different responses to the same treatment. That’s why cancer care continues to evolve from standardized treatment regimens to more personalized, targeted therapies. These newer treatments take [...]

Breast Ultrasound May Ease Breast Cancer Testing

By |2018-08-08T11:09:39-04:00February 28th, 2017|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , |

By Peter Mezzacappa, MD Thousands of women each year are found, during routine screening mammograms, to have breast calcifications, which are calcium deposits within the breast tissue. While these calcifications are usually harmless, they can, in some cases, indicate breast cancer or precancerous conditions of the breast. In [...]

Why More People Are Surviving Cancer

By |2018-08-21T05:52:31-04:00February 1st, 2017|Categories: Cancer|Tags: |

By Bhavesh Balar, MD Over the past few years, the cancer community has been encouraged that our ability to fight cancer seems to improve by the day. In fact, the American Cancer Society reports that from 1991 to 2012 (the most current data available), the combined cancer [...]

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

By |2018-05-06T16:49:09-04:00October 2nd, 2016|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , , |

Medicine has made remarkable strides over the past few decades in treating breast cancer, but one in eight American women are still diagnosed with breast cancer yearly.  Early diagnosis is the most important part of ensuring a long survival after diagnosis. If you or a loved one is diagnosed, [...]

3D Mammography is like High-Definition TV: Better Images

By |2018-08-20T16:20:32-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , |

By Kenneth Tomkovich, MD Think about the picture quality of the old standard-definition television that you owned maybe 10 or 15 years ago. Now, compare that with today’s high-definition televisions, which allow you to see the texture of an actor’s skin or individual blades of grass on a baseball [...]

Why Sunburn Lasts a Lifetime

By |2023-07-11T09:31:51-04:00August 8th, 2016|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , |

By Jason Miller, MD It may happen while spending the day hatless at the beach, while mowing the lawn, or while attending a baseball game under the blazing sun. Afterward, it can mean hours of pain, aloe, lotion, and regret. But sunburn is more than just an inconvenience — it's [...]


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