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Welcome to CentraState Healthcare System’s blog, your trusted resource for wellness tips, health trends, medical insights, and more.

Browse through our vast collection of articles, backed by our expert team of healthcare professionals and doctors. From essential preventive care strategies to cutting-edge medical innovations and uplifting patient stories that embody resilience and hope, our blog will help you stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.

Karen is Back to her Normal Routines after Emergency Gallbladder Surgery

By |2024-05-10T08:43:03-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Patient Stories|Tags: , , |

Karen Swantek, a self-professed “health nut” and avid exerciser, was running on a treadmill at the gym when she suddenly felt severe pain in the center of her chest. Thinking it was probably just something she ate, she kept running—but the pain did not subside. Karen then drove herself [...]

Remarkable Relief: Colorectal Surgery Proves Life-Changing

By |2024-05-10T08:43:04-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Patient Stories|Tags: , , |

For years, Margaret Sharkey suffered from on-and-off constipation and abdominal discomfort that made daily life a struggle. In May 2017, a bout of sharp pain led doctors to order a CT scan that found her colon was almost completely blocked. “I was in bad shape—I was doubled over, rocking back and [...]

Spine Surgery Helps Student Resume Her Studies, and Her Life

By |2024-05-10T08:43:06-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics, Patient Stories|Tags: , , , , |

Last summer, Lindsay Peters was preparing to enter the final year of her doctorate of physical therapy program at Stony Brook University when she was stricken with severe back pain. The pain was in the same area where she had surgery for a herniated disc in early 2015, but [...]

A Mom’s Positive Experience with Monroe Pediatricians

By |2024-05-10T08:43:07-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: , |

Sonya Robertson’s children actually look forward to their next trip to the doctor. The East Brunswick mom says that’s been the case since she started taking daughters Ava, 7; Sarah, 4; and Jessica, 1 (who was born with Down syndrome) to Princeton Nassau Pediatrics. They go to the practice’s [...]

Banana Eggless Nog

By |2018-08-21T07:11:13-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

Make this sweet beverage during the holidays or year-round using only 3 ingredients... and no eggs. Ingredients: 1 cup nonfat/skim milk 2 bananas, peeled 1/4 teaspoon pinch nutmeg Instructions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend on high speed until smooth. Pour into 2 small glasses and serve cold Nutritional Info [...]

Child Healthy After ER Visit Diagnosed Her with Bacterial Pnuemonia

By |2024-05-10T08:43:08-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: , |

On a Friday, 1-year-old Julia Gibson of Freehold had a slight cough. By Monday, she was in CentraState Medical Center’s Emergency Department Few things are more frightening than a dramatic change in your child’s health. At the beginning of the weekend, Julia’s cough hadn’t [...]


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