Filtered By Orthopedics Tag
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:20-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Healthy Aging, Orthopedics|Tags: Move Well, Orthopedics|
A balanced exercise program can help keep you fit, strong, flexible and trim, all of which support healthy joints. 1. Flexibility Training Improves range of motion and relieves stiffness. Try yoga, Pilates, tai chi or qigong. 2. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise Boosts endurance and helps with weight management. Walking, swimming, [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:21-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Healthy Aging, Orthopedics|Tags: Move Well, Orthopedics|
1. Maintain a Healthy Weight Losing even a few pounds can help relieve excess stress on joints and muscles. 2. Master the Mediterranean Diet Colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and moderate amounts of nuts, olive oil and fish help reduce inflammation and control weight. 3. Move More [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:13:39-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Healthy Aging, Orthopedics, Physical Therapy|Tags: Orthopedics, Physical Therapy|
Osteoarthritis and wear-and-tear arthritis are the most common causes of knee pain. Here are 5 ways to relieve the creaking and ease the discomfort: 1. Anti-Inflammatory Medications Over-the-counter aspirin or ibuprofen work well. 2. RICE Therapy Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation help lessen the swelling and pain. 3. Physical [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:24-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Healthy Aging, Orthopedics|Tags: Eat Well, Orthopedics|
The Mediterranean Diet abounds with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and olive oil. It also features moderate portions of fish, poultry—and even a little red wine! These fresh, flavorful foods contain numerous nutrients, powerful antioxidants and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which can help you: Curb inflammation and relieve [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:25-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: Orthopedics, Rehabilitation|
Created by NASA, The Anti-Gravity Treadmill® is a game changer in physical therapy rehabilitation. It’s particularly beneficial for exercise enthusiasts, weekend warriors or athletes dealing with lower body injury or chronic pain. This state-of-the-art treadmill can help you: Reduce gravity’s impact by 20 to 100% of your body weight by [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:26-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: Orthopedics|
“I’m trying to lose weight, but I can’t exercise because my knees and hips hurt.” Sound like you? Extra pounds cause extra stress on muscles and joints. Losing even a few pounds can help. Here’s three great ways to lose the weight and the pain: 1. Plant-Based or Mediterranean [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:43:11-04:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics, Patient Stories|Tags: Orthopedics, Patient Stories, Women’s Health|
Imagine how it feels to live in agonizing pain every day. That was the heartbreaking reality for Pauline Lukenoff-Bishop, who suffers from severe arthritis in her neck, back, and joints. For decades, the 57-year-old Hazlet resident endured constant, throbbing pain that extended from her head down to her knees. “I couldn’t [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:30-04:00March 7th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: Orthopedics, Surgery|
By Michael J. Greller, MD While it may take a bit of research, finding a surgeon that combines surgical skill with a collaborative philosophy of care will help ensure you have a positive experience – an optimal outcome. Questions to Ask Your Surgeon The right surgeon should [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:32-04:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: Move Well, Orthopedics|
By Maged Ghattas, MD Sometimes you have to play it cool to find pain relief. For those suffering from chronic pain, finding relief often means invasive spinal fusion surgeries or potentially addictive opioid medications. A new treatment – water-cooled radiofrequency (RF) ablation – is a [...]
By CentraState Health|2024-05-10T08:09:33-04:00June 20th, 2017|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: Orthopedics, Spine Health|
By Grigory Goldberg, MD, FAAOS Anyone who’s experienced a pinched nerve knows just how “unnerving” it can truly be. The odds are that most of you have dealt with an episode or two, and will more than likely will do so again in the future. After all, you [...]