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Welcome to CentraState Healthcare System’s blog, your trusted resource for wellness tips, health trends, medical insights, and more.

Browse through our vast collection of articles, backed by our expert team of healthcare professionals and doctors. From essential preventive care strategies to cutting-edge medical innovations and uplifting patient stories that embody resilience and hope, our blog will help you stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.

ER Nurse Welcomes Healthy Twins During COVID-19

By |2021-06-15T16:35:36-04:00January 11th, 2021|Categories: Coronavirus, Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: , , , |

When Kristen Connors McEvoy, RN, learned she was having twins last spring, she kept working as the clinical leader in CentraState’s busy Emergency Department. And then the COVID-19 crisis hit. While all healthcare workers were anxious about the virus, her pregnancy brought another level of concern. With the advice [...]

Shed the “Quarantine 15”

By |2021-03-25T02:18:13-04:00January 8th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

If you’ve packed on the “quarantine 15,” as the COVID-related weight gain has been dubbed, and are having trouble taking it off, you’re not alone. “Turning to food in times of stress is common,” says Caryn Alter, MS, RD, FAND. Add to that the decreased opportunity for organized exercise [...]

Stress Less, Connect More

By |2021-03-25T02:08:43-04:00January 7th, 2021|Categories: Women’s Health|

Whether it’s binging on chocolate or the latest streaming series, we all have ways of dealing with stress and boredom. Unfortunately many of those stress reducers do little more than mask the anxiety we’re feeling, leaving us staring into darkness at 3 a.m. But we’re here to tell you [...]

CentraState Physicians Discuss COVID-19 Vaccine

By |2021-03-25T01:56:14-04:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus|Tags: , |

After months of rigorous clinical research studies coordinated by leading scientific experts, a COVID-19 vaccine is now in our near future. Below are some answers to commonly asked questions about the vaccine from chief medical officer James Matera, DO, who led the clinician team response to COVID-19 at CentraState, [...]


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