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Health A-Z

Neuromodulation Therapy: Blocking Pain Signals in Those with Chronic Pain

By |2021-08-16T15:43:17-04:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

Some people living with chronic pain may struggle to complete even the simplest activities of daily living, impacting their quality of life. A relatively new therapy—neuromodulation—can greatly alleviate discomfort for chronic pain sufferers. Neuromodulation works through implantable devices that deliver gentle electrical impulses to the spinal cord or peripheral [...]

Springsteen Fan Ignites Fire for New Lifestyle After Robotic Bariatric Surgery

By |2024-05-10T08:22:38-04:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Bariatrics, Health A-Z|Tags: , |

Bruce Springsteen famously sang, “You can’t start a fire without a spark.” For Freehold resident Mary Beth Wilson, that spark came in the form of emergency hernia surgery. Mary Beth, 52, an avid Springsteen fan, had been overweight for most of her life. She had struggled for years to [...]

A Play-Based Approach Helps 8-Year-Old Manage Sensory Overload

By |2019-03-28T16:50:25-04:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

When 8-year-old Sean Brill of Aberdeen was a toddler, his sensitivity to noises, crowded spaces, and constricting clothes became more apparent. Anything with buttons, zippers, or tags caused tears, and he was hesitant to try new foods due to their textures. As he grew, he became anxious when weather [...]

Overhead Athletes: Build in Time-Outs

By |2019-03-28T16:43:20-04:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

As the spring sports season shifts into high gear, vigilance is a key factor to preventing potentially serious overuse injuries. For “overhead athletes,” including baseball pitchers, volleyball and tennis players, and even gymnasts, shoulder injuries are of particular concern. “The good news is that these types of injuries are [...]

Pine Beach Teen Exceeds Personal Best After Physical Therapy

By |2024-05-10T08:42:22-04:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z, Patient Stories|Tags: , |

When Abbey Olexa collided with another soccer player during a game last May, she pushed through the pain and continued playing. However, after two weeks of rest, the elite soccer striker still had pain. Abbey’s mother, Elizabeth, took the 14-year-old to orthopedic surgeon Gerardo Goldberger, DO. An MRI found [...]

Launching a Full-Court Press Against Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes

By |2020-04-07T09:51:17-04:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|

African-American male basketball players are most at risk for experiencing sudden cardiac death. This March Madness, let’s box out heart disease by raising awareness about the signs and symptoms. It’s estimated that one in every 50,000 sudden cardiac deaths occurs in young athletes. During sudden cardiac arrest, blood flow [...]

A Healthier You Involves More than Numbers on a Scale

By |2019-01-17T12:10:10-05:00January 16th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , , , |

It’s that time of the year again when we take stock of our lives and make goals for self-improvement. For many, these goals revolve around eating healthier and moving more. However, these resolutions are simply too vague to be effective, and most of us don’t have a support system [...]


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