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Health A-Z

The Amazing Apple: Nutritious and Delicious

By |2024-09-24T14:01:30-04:00September 24th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

Apples are a fall favorite for good reason. What’s better than sinking your teeth into a juicy, crisp, satisfying apple? They’re delicious, nutritious and versatile.   Nutritional Powerhouse   A small apple with skin has 77 calories and provides 3.6 grams of cholesterol-controlling dietary fiber and about half that amount once [...]

Boosting Teen Confidence and Mental Health Through Fitness

By |2024-11-08T15:55:39-05:00August 28th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z, Pediatrics|Tags: , |

For tweens and teens, the feeling of not fitting in can be distressing. Peer pressure and the adverse effects of social media—unrealistic comparisons to other teens and celebrities, fear of missing out and the well-documented addictiveness of social platforms—can compound the problem and undermine a young person’s mental health [...]

Swimming: The Perfect Full-Body Exercise

By |2024-11-20T15:40:05-05:00July 19th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z, Patient Stories|Tags: , |

When Julie McLaughlin suggested that her husband, Mark McLaughlin, MD, join her for a swim class at the CentraState Fitness & Wellness Center, he couldn’t have predicted it would become one of his favorite ways to exercise. “I'm a wrestler and a runner, but these activities come with muscle [...]

Boost Your Brain with Exercise

By |2024-07-08T12:27:51-04:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z, Neuroscience|Tags: , |

Exercise is good for your body, but did you know that those benefits also extend to your brain? “Exercise improves the function of your cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems, all of which support your brain's health and ability to do its job,” says CentraState neurosurgeon Mark McLaughlin, [...]

The Future of Medicine Starts with Clinical Trials

By |2024-07-08T12:17:18-04:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

Without clinical research, medicine would not have cancer immunotherapy, cardiac angioplasty or the data showing that ulcers are caused by a bacterium and not spicy foods. Through clinical trials – studies that test new therapies, medications or medical devices in humans – researchers have investigated and developed breakthroughs that [...]

5 Signs Your Child May Need Speech or Occupational Therapy

By |2024-11-08T16:01:47-05:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy|Tags: , |

While every child is different, some may need additional help to meet developmental milestones. CentraState speech-language pathologist Danielle DaCunha, MS, CCC-SLP, and occupational therapist Diana Cruz, MS, OTR/L, CSRS, share five signs that your child may benefit from a speech or occupational therapy evaluation. They have trouble meeting developmental [...]


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