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New Approach Can Shorten Breast Radiation Therapy

By |2018-08-20T16:55:55-04:00March 2nd, 2018|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , |

By Edward Soffen, MD, FACP Going through breast cancer treatment is emotionally and physically difficult for women. It’s also a major disruption to a woman’s everyday life. In the case of radiation therapy, women have traditionally received daily treatments for at least six weeks. Between getting to the hospital [...]

Dedication to Detection: Finding Colon Cancer Early is Our Focus for 2018

By |2020-04-07T10:23:52-04:00February 9th, 2018|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , |

By Amy Tilara, MD One simple procedure may add years to your life. I recently performed a screening colonoscopy on a 51-year-old man who wasn’t experiencing any of the typical symptoms of colon cancer, but had been referred for the test by his primary care physician. I found [...]

The Power of Personalized Cancer Care

By |2018-08-29T09:48:49-04:00May 11th, 2017|Categories: Cancer|Tags: |

By Bhavesh Balar, MD Cancer is an unpredictable disease — two people diagnosed with the same type of cancer may have completely different responses to the same treatment. That’s why cancer care continues to evolve from standardized treatment regimens to more personalized, targeted therapies. These newer treatments take [...]

Breast Ultrasound May Ease Breast Cancer Testing

By |2018-08-08T11:09:39-04:00February 28th, 2017|Categories: Cancer|Tags: , , |

By Peter Mezzacappa, MD Thousands of women each year are found, during routine screening mammograms, to have breast calcifications, which are calcium deposits within the breast tissue. While these calcifications are usually harmless, they can, in some cases, indicate breast cancer or precancerous conditions of the breast. In [...]


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