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About CentraState Health

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So far CentraState Health has created 730 entries.

Healthy Heroes Can Defeat a Season of COVID-19 and Flu

By |2021-09-29T11:00:19-04:00October 13th, 2021|Categories: Coronavirus, Health A-Z|Tags: , , |

As the weather crisps and we spend more time inside, the risk of contracting a respiratory illness, including the common cold, flu, or COVID-19, increases significantly. “Remaining vigilant against these diseases is so important,” says James Matera, DO, chief medical officer at CentraState. “It’s up to us to help [...]

Long-Haul COVID-19 Sufferers Can Find Treatment at CentraState

By |2023-02-14T13:43:45-05:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Coronavirus|

We’ve learned that COVID-19 is a complex disease—one that uniquely affects each person. Some who have recovered from COVID-19 infection may develop post-COVID syndrome—also called long-haul COVID—which can cause breathing issues, heart problems, kidney damage, neurological symptoms, and lingering loss of taste or smell long after they are virus-free. [...]

Routine Physical Leads to Dual Surgeries

By |2021-10-18T14:31:23-04:00October 11th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

A family medicine physician can often be the first point of contact for preventive issues—and your strongest advocate when there are any health concerns. Although CentraState employee Racquel Diodato, 57, kept up-to-date with her specialty appointments and screenings throughout the years, she was looking to find a primary care [...]

Your Mammo Made Easy: No Prescription Required at Women’s Health Center at CentraState

By |2021-09-29T10:59:06-04:00October 11th, 2021|Categories: Women’s Health|Tags: , |

Breast cancer screening rates dropped sharply when the COVID-19 pandemic began, and for many women, getting back to scheduling their annual mammogram and other important health appointments still remains a challenge.  CentraState Healthcare System just made that one item on many women’s to-do list a little bit easier by [...]

CentraState Medical Center Earns National Recognition for Efforts to Improve Stroke Treatment

By |2021-09-24T13:55:13-04:00September 24th, 2021|

The American Heart Association presents Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award for commitment to prioritizing quality care for stroke patients CentraState Medical Center has received the American Heart Association’s Gold Plus Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Quality Achievement Award for their commitment to ensuring stroke patients [...]


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