

We understand that some moms and babies need help during the learning process of breastfeeding. We provide breastfeeding education during pregnancy, support in the hospital after delivery and after your baby’s birth. Our board-certified lactation consultants will guide you on:

  • Getting your newborn to latch
  • Ways to hold your baby while nursing
  • Cues that your baby is hungry
  • Understanding different types of breast milk
  • How to know if your baby is getting enough milk
  • Ways to alleviate engorgement

If you have questions before your hospital stay, we welcome you to contact our lactation consultants at 732.303.5258. CentraState offers an on-demand virtual program with educational videos on breastfeeding, childbirth preparation, and infant care.

Breastfeeding Support After Your Hospital Stay

The Lactation Center at CentraState offers a warm, comfortable, supportive environment to educate, counsel, and support breastfeeding mothers. Following your hospital stay, we can still help. Our lactation consultants are available to meet with all mothers, regardless of where they delivered their baby.

We address a variety of concerns during the consultations including but not limited to:

  • Assessing a mother’s milk supply and infant’s intake during feeding
  • Measuring baby’s weight before and after a feeding
  • Individual instruction on latching and positioning techniques
  • Low/slow weight gain concerns
  • Guidance for pumping when you return to work
  • Answering any questions you may have and addressing conflicting information from your OB/GYN and pediatrician
  • Postpartum depression

Insurance for Breastfeeding Support

Health insurance companies are required to cover one visit with a lactation consultant with no copay or deductible. Additional breastfeeding support, counseling, and breastfeeding equipment may be covered before and after birth and for as long as you nurse your baby. Please check with your insurance company to verify.

Schedule an Appointment with a Lactation Consultant

Parents can call our breastfeeding “warmline” at 732-303-5258 to speak with a lactation consultant and schedule an appointment to meet in a private, one-on-one setting. One-hour consultations are available during normal weekday business hours. We can provide a remote consultation if needed. When coming in for your appointment, please arrive ten minutes early and come with a hungry baby.

Request More Information

To request more information about maternity services at CentraState or to ask any questions, please complete this form and we will be in touch shortly.