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How Cooler Temperatures Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

By |2024-10-16T12:41:49-04:00October 16th, 2024|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

Ever wonder why you seem to sleep better when it’s cooler outside? It all comes down to how your body regulates temperature. The hypothalamus, a part of your brain that acts like a thermostat, controls your body’s temperature, which fluctuates throughout the day and night.

“As part of your natural circadian rhythm, your core body temperature starts to dip around 9:30 p.m. and hits its lowest point by 4 a.m.,” explains CentraState pulmonologist and sleep specialist Rajagopalan Rengan, DO. “This temperature drop signals your body that it’s time to sleep.”

Melatonin, often called the sleep or darkness hormone, works in tandem with your circadian rhythm. It’s released at night as it gets dark, and it helps lower your core temperature to promote deeper, restorative sleep.

Dr. Rengan’s Sleep Tips for Restful Nights

  • Stay active during the day to help you feel tired at night. Just avoid working out too late, as this can interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Avoid late-night snacking—eating before bed can confuse your body’s hormones and disrupt sleep quality.
  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even when the seasons change or your routine gets busy.
  • Prepare for seasonal time changes by going to bed 15 minutes later for a few days before setting the clock back in fall and 15 minutes earlier in spring before setting the clock forward. This helps your body adjust smoothly to the time change.
  • Engage in calming activities before bed, like reading or meditation, to help relax your brain. The brain is a metabolically demanding organ that burns a lot of energy and raises body temperature.
  • Limit blue light exposure from screens at least an hour before bed. Blue light interferes with melatonin production and delays sleep.
  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark. Set the thermostat between 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit and pull the shades to create an ideal sleep environment. Cooler temps encourage your body to enter sleep mode faster.

Chill Out for Better Sleep

To enjoy more restful sleep, keep your bedroom cool and cozy. A little drop in temperature can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.


Learn more about CentraState’s Center for Sleep Disorders.

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